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种了一次牛痘,起预防作用。Vaccination has a preventive effect.

我的小孩种了牛痘以防天花。My child was vaccinated against smallpox.

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自从她第一次接种以来,牛痘不断没有发过。She hasn't taken since her first vaccination.

我的小孩种了牛痘以防天花。She is vaccinate against smallpox as a child.

金纳从牛痘中发展了一种疫苗。Edward Jenner developed a vaccine from cowpox.

我种过牛痘了,所以对天花有免疫力。I'm immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

所有儿童都种了牛痘以预防天花。The children were all vaccinated against smallpox.

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由于种了牛痘我们对天花有免疫力。We are immune to smallpox as a result of vaccination.

从牛身上获取牛痘疫苗,这是疫苗首次亮相Vaccination from cows, and that's where the first vaccine came from.

牛痘苗从牛痘毒素提取的用来预防天花的疫苗。A vaccine prepared from the cowpox virus and inoculated against smallpox.

三个月之内。新的牛痘疫苗消除了所有疾病。The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.

然而,一种名为牛痘的病毒传播的速度比我们所能想像的快四倍。However, a virus called vaccinia spreads four times faster than what was thought possible.

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他在1994年搬去了日内瓦担当起世界卫生组织牛痘与防治项目的负责人。He moved to Geneva in 1994 to become director of WHO's global program for vaccines and immunization.

他生产出一种取自牛痘,即牛皮肤上的瘢痕的液体And he produced a fluid from cowpox lesions, so these were these lesions, these skin lesions on cows.

牛痘病毒B1R基因产物是一个蛋白激酶,在病毒的DNA复制中起着重要作用。Vaccinia virus B1R gene product acts as protein kinase with an essential role in viral DNA replication.

这是一种全新的牛痘疫苗,将加入战略性国家贮备。The smallpox vaccine is a completely new product that will be added to the Strategic National Stockpile.

接种人痘,是直接使用小量的天花,和金纳后来用牛痘接种不同。Unlike Jenner's later vaccination, which used cowpox, variolation used a small measure of smallpox itself.

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但是同我们之前曾讨论过的,牛痘病毒疫苗的不同之处在于,这是可以直接致病的病毒But unlike the Cowpox virus, vaccinea, that we talked about before, this is the real disease causing agent.

我认为用新方当教导人们接受牛痘疫苗或手术前洗手时,我认为营销是美好的。Marketing is beautiful when it persuades people to get a polio vaccine or wash their hands before doing surgery.

另外一种可能就是可以早期接种抗病毒的牛痘疫苗来阻止这种疾病的发展。Another future possibility is vaccination against the virus to prevent the development of the disease in the first place.