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汽车座椅后背插网袋,尾厢存物网,车顶吊网。Net bag of cat seat, tail compartments and roof!

仅仅需要把切成块的水果,蔬菜或者肉放进这个网袋里,卡紧。Simply put a piece of fruit, vegetables or meat into the mesh bag and snap shut.

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干燥后的洋葱可以装入网袋挂在室内使其更干一些。After curing the onions, you can hang them indoors in mesh bags to dry even more.

同样,袜子通常让人头疼——可以用网袋,一个装干净的一个装脏的。Also, socks are usually a challenge — use mesh bags, one for clean socks and another for dirty ones.

包的一边是特殊的可以存放刷子的插槽加网袋设计,而另一边可以存放您所有的必需品。One side has slots for brushes plus a handy mesh pouch, while the other side fits all your essentials.

其结构包括顶盖、风扇、诱虫灯管、连接杆和网袋。The utility model is composed of a coping, a fan, an entrapping lighting tube, a connecting rod and a web.

本发明用于深水网箱网袋用高性能六角形网目乙纶经编网制造。The method is used for preparing hexagonal mesh polythene warp-knitting net for deep-water net box and net bag.

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用网袋包装本产品,每箱30磅。请向我方上报贵公司的倾销税额!Packing in mesh bags and 30lbs in each carton. I want to know how much is the anti-dumping duty on your company.

该用品设计紧凑,展开后是一个较大的带有网袋的垫子,可将所有东西整齐地装在网袋里。This compact design unfolds to an oversized, cushioned changing pad with zippered mesh pockets to keep everything organized.

同时,它有一个带拉链的网袋可以装您的贵重物品,有一条带子可扣到任何婴儿推车上,还包含有一个装抹布的塑料盒。It also has a zippered pocket for your valuables, a strap to attach it to any stroller and also includes a plastic wipes case.

蛋壳涂上红色,用五颜六色的网袋装着,挂在小孩子的脖子上,意谓祝福孩子逢凶化吉,平安无事。Eggshell colored red collect with colorful net bag, hanging in the child's neck, means that the child wishes good luck, safe and sound.

通过砂滤管和尼龙网袋法研究了有机物料在砂土的腐殖化和矿质化规律,对该土壤有机质培肥及调控提出了建议。The decomposition of organic matters were studied by porous and nylon-bag experiment, and then organic matter management was suggested.

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邓不利多对此很愤怒,而阿拉贝拉·费格也用她装满猫食罐头的网袋狠狠地揍了他的脑袋和身子。Dumbledore was furious with him and Arabella Figg beat him around the head and body with her string shopping bag full of tins of cat food.

网袋的颜色、规格、重量、密度、扁丝或圆丝的规格以及网袋的外形均可根据客户的需要制作。Net Bag colors, specifications, weight , density, flat or round wire specification, as well as bag shape can produce according to customer needs.

轻质浮子及在水下工程中的应用,浮子由轻质材料制作的浮体、外套网袋或中间有通孔的浮体,其上有与承力盖连接的挂钩构成。Float is composed of floating body made of light material, external net bag and hook with bearing cover or may be the one with central through hole.

利用网袋法模拟秸秆还田方式,研究不同还田方式不同阶段玉米秸秆氮、磷、钾养分释放特征。Net bag method was used to determine nutrition decomposing characteristics of N, P, and K of maize straw under two different crop stalk returning approaches.

我母亲在北京寄人篱下,靠给街道上编织塑料网袋,每月挣十来块钱生活,我没有面皮再向她老人家要求寄什么东西。My mother depended on others for living in Beijing, she just got about RMB10. 00 every month for weaving plastic tuck nets, I could not ask her to give me anything.

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玻璃器皿包括高硼硅耐热玻璃保鲜盒。日用消费品包括圣诞袋,冰袋,衣物收纳袋,网袋晾衣架等。Our Glassware include pyrex glass food container , Our consumer goods include pop- up bags, spring Christmas bags, ice bags, spring fabric wash bucket, fabric clothes hanger, etc.

现有职工96人,其中工程师2名,技术员4名,塑网袋有白色、紫色、红色、蓝色、黄色、绿色等颜色。There are 96 workers now, 2 engineers among them, 4 technicians, mould pocket have getting white , getting purple , getting red , getting blue , getting yellow , such as being green.

从2009年开始,本公司致力于研发各种包装用的铝卡扣及打卡机,产品适用于水果网袋、食用菌菌种袋、大卖场的生鲜食品包装袋等的打扎作业。Since Y2009, we started to develop kinds of U shape AL. Snaps & Punch card machine which is suitable for the packaging for Fruit mesh bags, Mushroom spawn bags and Fresh food packaging bags.