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特此证明。Hereby certify.

怎么证明这一切呢?How to prove it?

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那就证明我是个窝囊废。Then I’m a loser.

你证明过它吗?Have you proved it?

事实证明果然如此。That' s proving true.

这证明能算什么呢?What does this prove?

他们要证明给你看。They have to show you.

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我就是活生生的证明!I'm living proof of it!

我们证明她的断言是错误的。We disproved her claim.

我就是要给他证明这一点。I need to show him that.

Galdi的研究证明是肯定的。The study by Galdi et al.

高轰兽王的证明!Shoutmon, Proof of a King!

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事实证明我只不过是在痴人说梦。But I was just being silly.

临床证明温和。Clinically proven mildness.

那足以证明这论点。That supports the argument.

此证明无效。This certificate is invalid.

辩护和证明决策。Defend and justify decisions.

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伟大是需要时间证明的。Grandness need time to prove.

我能证明我是谁。I can prove immutably I'm me.

这就是笛卡尔要证明的That's what Descartes argued.