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我希望打更多比赛。I'd like to play more.

有些惩罚比打更严重。There are things worse than beatings.

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我希望比去年打更多比赛。I want to play more games than last year.

他打全垒打更比任何其他的队员。He hit more home runs than any other player that year.

结果在当天,我继续短她并给她打更多电话。At the end of the day, I kept texting and calling even more.

他们比其他人睡得也更长,并且打更多的盹。They also sleep more than the rest of us, and take more naps.

他比我上一回看见他,只不过凤吹雨打更显得憔悴了一些。He was only a little more weather-beaten than when I saw him last.

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黑猫是另一种更评分,如果你打更多的猫一样的游戏。Black Cat is another same game with more score if you hit more cats.

如果要说真对我有什么影响的话,那应该是孩子的降生会激励我打更长的时间。If it does something to me, I think it's going to motivate me to play for a long time.

他想打更多中路位置,但那里有博格坎普,我认为他没有准备好。He wanted to play more central in the Dennis Bergkamp role and I felt he was not ready.

接下来,我只是需要打更多的比赛,不断地找回自信。Then, I only am need to play more competitions , retrieves self-confidently unceasingly.

最好的记者总是想着去打更多的电话,去确认更多的来源。The best reporters always want to make one more phone call, to check with one more source.

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北方的寒气传送着打更的声音,清冷的月光映照着战士们的铁甲彰澜袍。North to send the Dageng cold voice, the cold moonlight shines upon the soldiers of the armored shirt.

周四博拉鲁兹就将首次随队训练,他应该可以打更多的比赛。Khalid Boulahrouz will train with the group for the first time on Thursday and maybe in one more week he can play.

吉尔布瑞斯一家是个真实的家庭,“买一打更便宜“是由十二个孩子其中的两个写的一本小说的名字。The Gilbreths were a real family. "Cheaper by the Dozen" was the name of a book written by two of the twelve children.

更大的低音仍将打更大的诱惑,当他们这么做的时候,你将会需要合适的设备使他们上船。Bigger bass will still hit larger lures, and when they do, you're going to need the right equipment to get them into the boat.

最近,人们也许会认为我是一个玻璃人,但是我只是需要打更多比赛,我踢得越多,表现就会越好。Lately people may have thought I have been injury-prone but I just need to play more games and the more I play the better I'll get.

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耆老普通对望物感觉非常刺激的敏锐程度有所减退,假如能有认识地多打几个张口,可以增加体内一氧气化氮的萌生,有助于勃第一次打更坚挺。The older the general visual stimuli sensitive degree has declined, if can consciously how few yawn, can increase the body of nitric oxide to erect is stronger.