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哪家要卖房、哪家要出租,物业公司近水楼台先得月。To any real, caused to rental property company gets.

香港建筑企业可以说是近水楼台先得月。Hong Kong construction enterprises can be said to be easier.

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如果我正好有一个可以分泌乳汁的女儿,我为什么不近水楼台先得月?If I have a lactating daughter, why not take advantage of her?

二环路周边的楼盘项目,自然是乐得合不拢嘴,真可谓是近水楼台先得月。Road development projects near the periphery, of course, is happy to wait.

有一件事情,它把我留在了哈佛,那就是我可以近水楼台先得月,亲近国际经济研究局。One thing that keeps me at Harvard is the proximity of the National Bureau of Economic Research.

近水楼台先得月,市场在我们的眼皮底下,为何看不到呢?The near water balcony get a month first, the market is in the underneath of our eyelid, why could not see?

母公司AMR需要一个价值数亿美元的新计算机系统,Sabre则近水楼台先得月。Parent AMR Corp. wanted a new computer system that could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and Sabre had the inside track.

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北京申奥成功,面对巨大的基础设施建设投入,香港建筑企业更是近水楼台先得月。Beijing's successful Olympic bid, in the face of huge infrastructure investment, the Hong Kong construction enterprises is evident.

近水楼台先得月,2001年因“九运会”而一朝兴起的东圃天河新城,又将兴起另一波来势更猛的“造城”运动。Those, in 2001 for "Games" and the rise of Dongpu Milky Way once Metro, will rise another wave of challenges ahead "creates city" campaign.

要是你碰巧住在著名的酒城,像是肯塔基州的波本、古巴的浪姆酒,那你尽可近水楼台先得月,喝他个一醉方休。If you happen to live someplace that's known for a drink, like, say, bourbon in Kentucky, or rum in Cuba–you'll get an added buzz and benefit.

近水楼台先得月,几经变迁,还怎能奢望那句曾经的风景这边独好?The near water balcony gets a month first, Several through change, Return how can entertain wild hope that ever Is the scenery only good here?

“那些城市发展所需求的人才例如有经验的保姆和生物工程专业毕业的大学生可能近水楼台先得月。”肖说到。Those in demand for the city's development, such as experienced nannies or graduates in bio-engineering, are likely to benefit first, Xiao said.