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我们开始开发一个新的工业区。We began to develop a new industrial site.

工业区集中在北边。The industral area is centered in the north.

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现在我们就在花园口工业区了。Now we are in the Huayuankou industrial park.

与此同时,在工业区,尼娜醒了过来。Meanwhile at the industrial site Nina wakes up.

一个工业区杂乱无章地在山谷延伸。An industrial estate sprawled across the valley.

在这个工业区兴起了一座新城市。A new town has grown up in this industrial district.

迁往新蒲岗工业区作工作室租用。Hire San Po Kong industrial estate to set up studio.

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新界元朗东头工业区康业街9号。Hong Yip Street, Yuen Long, New Territories, Hong Kong.

丹麦的凯隆堡市有一个“生态工业区”。In Kalundborg, Denmark exists an "eco-industrial park".

杰克指令尼娜在一个无人的工业区停下了车。Jack has Nina stop the car at an empty industrial area.

贯穿安纳托利亚,现在又250个工业区。There are now 250 industrial zones throughout Anatolia.

列为大连的临港工业区了。To become Dalian Changxing island Harbor Industrial Zone.

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东莞市道窖镇南丫坑龙工业区。Nanya Ken industrial district, Daoyao town, Dongguan City.

鲁尔区是德国乃至世界最重要的工业区之一。Structural changes are taking place in Germanys Ruhrgebiet.

因为在以前,曼彻斯特曾经是工业区。because Manchester used to be industrial place in old times.

你需要前往诺沃克的工业区做一些工作。You need to head to Norwalk's industrial area to do some work.

工业区里的灰尘使勤勉的人灰心.The dust in the industrial zone frustrated the industrious man.

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该地块位于斯洛文尼亚什科菲亚洛卡工业区。The site plot is in the industrial area of Skofja Loka, Slovenia.

蛇口工业区位于深圳,与香港隔海相望。Shekou industrial zone is located in shenzhen, and Hong Kong island.

临港工业区以南侧造成大面积的淤积。Extensive siltation was caused to the south of Lingang Industrial Zone.