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真正的纤夫!Real boat tracker !

纤夫们在拖拉一只船。The towers are dragging a ship.

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当代纤夫,那能有几多爱?Contemporary boat tracker, it has much to love?

如今硕果仅存的纤夫将游客拉到上游。Today, the only remaining trackers pulled tourists upstream.

2010年初,这里因为恢复“裸体纤夫”饱受争议。In early 2010, it is controversial for its recovery of "naked trackers".

由于拉纤容易滑倒,而今的纤夫必须避免。Towing harnesses slip off easily should the current drag pullers backward.

一群歌手,其中许多人当过纤夫仍表演着年轻时唱的歌谣。A troupe of singers, many former trackers still perform the songs of their youth.

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纤夫在河边留下一串脚印,那是跋涉者生活的省略号。They pull on the river left a string of footprints, it was wayfarers ellipsis of life.

1842年前,当时的外滩只是一条便于纤夫行走的小道。Before 1842, the bund was originally a towing path for convenient access for boat trackers.

有二十分之一的船撞毁,但没人知道有多少纤夫拉纤时丧命。One in 20 boats was destroyed, but no one knows how many trackers were pulled to their death.

展览中还包括了千百年来纤夫拉纤时纤绳厮磨留下深深刻痕的石头。It included some rocks with deep grooves worn into them from a thousand years of boat hauling.

纤夫扯着竹绳弯腰使劲,手指几乎触地。Hitched to lines made of bamboo, straining with bent backs, their fingers almost touched the ground.

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最重要的是,这个令人难以置信的跟踪也拿起纤夫在其他地点没有GPS信号!Most importantly, this incredible tracker also picks up GPS signals in locations where other trackers don't!

这个老在不同纤夫种子要么死亡,或者成为有缺陷,所以我重新包装一次。The older torrents of this on different trackers have either died off or become flawed, so I am repackaging it once again.

上世纪70年代,白色的帆船慢悠悠地在水上滑行,光着脚的纤夫迈着沉重的步子走在河边的沙地上。In the 1970s, skiffs with white sails still languidly glided by while barefooted boat trackers trudged along the sandy verges.

这是纤夫用血和泪铸成的史诗,是人与自然抗争的见证。This is an epic accomplished by the boat trackers with blood and tears, and it also witnessed human's struggle against nature.

这种以毛肚为主菜的火锅,价格低廉麻辣刺激,很快便受到码头上纤夫船工们的欢迎。The hotpot with tripe as the main dish was cheap and excitingly hot and soon won the favor of boat trackers and boat men at docks.

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这家铺子专卖什锦蒸食和肉包,主顾大都是往来运河码头的船工、纤夫、小商贩。The monopoly shop and eat steamed assorted Roubao, customers are between the terminal canal boatman, boat tracker , and small traders.

河中艚运繁忙,船只一艘接一艘,水手纤夫在急流中紧张劳动。The crowding boats coming and going and the sailor and trackers laboring under tension in the rough river speak of the busy transport on the river.

馆内关于在险峻的峭壁上凿出来的狭道中,纤夫拉动纤绳将舟船拉过湍流险滩的展览真是让人惊叹!The exhibit of the pre-power river boats that had to be hauled upstream by workers pulling ropes from narrow trails carved into the cliffs was amazing.