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我住在英才路。I live on Ying-Tsai Road.

我们民族有你这样的英才,无所畏惧。I have no fear because so many elites aassist me.

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另外,他对于擢英才于未显也颇有天赋。He also had a gift for putting people at their ease.

俗话说天妒英才,所以人还是蠢点好。As the saying goes, genius, so people still silly good.

我来自于新英才国际剑桥中心。I am XX and come from New Talent International Cambridge Center.

本公司热忱欢迎社会各届英才的加盟!Great wisdom sessions warmly welcome talents to join the community!

欢迎社会各届英才加盟本公司。Welcome to join the community of excellence in each of the Company.

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随着公司业务发展,我们急需招蓦所述英才。With the rapid business growth, we're eagerly looking for candidates.

他的理想是成为一个慧眼识英才的读人大师和职业顾问。His dream is to be a master of people-reading and a career consultant.

愿大人、小孩都成为耳聪目明的英才!To adults, children have become the see and hear better of excellence!

现公司因发展需要,诚聘灯光设计英才。Due to company development needs, we want qualified lighting designers.

在民族意识中,“凤”是理想的英才与瑞兆,“凤皇出而天下治”。In national consciousness, Phoenix stands for an ideal talent and a mascot.

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如果你买一台29英才的电视机,商场会赠送一台小电扇。If you buy a TV of 29 inches in this shop, a small electric fan will be thrown in.

我们欢迎各类英才的加盟,与苏州欧达尔机械设备有限公司共创未来!Welcome to join Ondal Industrietechnik Co. , Ltd. to create glorying future success!

随着索迪斯在华业务持续拓展及规模壮大,现诚邀英才加盟索迪斯中国。With fast growth and development in China, Sodexho cordially invites talents to join us.

终有一天,我的名字会出现在学校的英才苑上。一个百年老校的刚刚起步的网站。There's a day my name being showing in the Excellent Alumni Columns of my alma mater's site.

此时,我的朋友将我推荐到了淄博世纪英才外语学校,很感谢学校给我了这次机会。I appreciate the time and effort they put into this task and thank The School for accepting me.

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斜坡面将延伸至467英才高,并且斜坡面被平面屋顶穿透。The sloping roof will rise to a peak of 467 ft and its surface will be punctured by roof terraces.

高等教育已在世界范围内由英才教育走向大众化乃至普及化。Within worldwide the aim of higher education is not to train outstanding person but to be popular.

安生工作很有成效。我已经收到40多名英才学生递交的入学申请。Ameson is very helpful, and i have received more than 40 applications from those distiguished students.