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粗俗的,淫秽的,鄙俗的。Obscene, lewd, or vulgar.

他口出淫秽的语言。Obscenities belched out of him.

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她的小说淫秽不堪,公众十分震惊。Her scabrous novels shocked the public.

即使是在淫秽这个问题上。Even in the case of question about obscenity.

蓝色有时象征沉闷悲哀,有时又象征淫秽。Blue symbols sadness and sometimes coarseness.

影片中的淫秽部分应予删除。The obscene part of the film should be censored.

在中国,传播淫秽内容有违国家法律。It is illegal to distribute pornography in China.

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这等同于淫秽,仇恨犯罪和诽谤。It is the same with obscenity, hate crime and libel.

西哥特人将只会在墙壁上涂写一些淫秽下流的话。Visigoth would merely scrawl obscenities on the wall.

我们应该禁止出售淫秽文学。We should prohibit the sale of pornographic literature.

规范淫秽材料的最佳办法是目标清晰。The best approach to regulating obscenity is a focused one.

同时,大多数人都不喜欢在初次约会时去看淫秽片。And most would hate to see a raunchy downer on a first date.

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我不认为喜剧就必须这么淫秽,才算好笑。I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny.

我已经去掉所有的淫秽相片。I have taken the raunchy pictures out. Rated PG-13 for content.

所有参加宴会的人都厌恶他那淫秽的笑话。All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes.

所有参加宴会的人都有厌恶他那淫秽的笑话。All the people in the party were disgusted with his bawdy jokes.

比如,不雅寓目淫秽作品和打赌是众所周知的上瘾举动。Pornography and gambling, for instance, are well-known addictions.

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不若外来污垢邪靡淫秽之物横行!Epitomized If does not have dirt and foreign pornographic things across!

有关“淫秽”的法律也可能被用作禁止其他材料的借口。Or the obscenity laws may be used as a pretext to censor other material.

但政府很快发动了一场反淫秽出版物的战役。But the government soon launched a campaign against obscene publications.