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牛仔裤是本店常备商品之一。Jeans is one of our stock items.

还是自己常备一把伞吧。You had better get ready one umbrella by yourself.

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尼龙粘扣带不含偶氮染料,常备108种颜色的现货。Nylon fastening tapes with AZO free are available for108 colours.

彩色尼龙粘扣带不含偶氮染料,常备108种颜色的现货。Nylon fastening tapes with AZO free are available for 108 colours.

他们有充足的理由组建庞大的常备海军They always had to have a large standing navy for obvious reasons.

事实上,我是个有抱负的化学家,又是部队中的一名常备兵。In fact, I was an aspiring chemist and a regular soldier in the army.

刘兰患有神经衰弱,家里常备着安眠药。Liu Lan suffered from neurasthenia and she had sleeping pills at home.

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不管是静态或起泡的,都要将水作为常备的饮料。Whether it's still or sparkling, aim to make water your go-to beverage choice.

冈根人拥有一支庞大的常备武装部队,通常称为冈根大军。The Gungans maintain a large standing armed force, called the Gungan Grand Army.

现在,他创建了一个讲述战争的博客,通过一个常备兵的眼光,看待第二次世界大战。Now he has a blog where he tells about the war, the way a regular soldier sees it.

脑内囊性肿瘤等治疗方面,定向硬通道技术可以做为神经外科常备工具。Hardware-oriented channel technology can be used as tools for neurosurgery standing.

比如许多音乐家的常备曲目“寿喜烧歌”,其中就有一段悦耳的五音旋律。An example is the "Sukiyaki song" that a great many artists have in their repertories.

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这是为什么很多中国家庭总是把茶作为家庭药而常备的原因。That's why most of Chinese families always keep good tea handy as a household medicine.

一只混成部队是非常必要的,因为你的对手通常都会有常备的守军。A good mix of units is necessary, since your opponents will usually have a standing army.

如果常备上一袋干辣椒调料和你最爱的香料,那就好极了。A packet of dried chilli seasoning and your favorite spice are also great to have on hand.

我们常备自家手做陶器制品以供选择,更欢迎订做特定陶瓷制品。All handmade potteries are made in Tuen Mun. We can also special make the ceramics for you.

所以这些疫苗非常安全有效,常备用来对付各种传染病And so they're already very safe, very effective vaccines available for many infectious diseases.

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常备一个空箱装存放物品以便你能快速地整理,然后又快速地启动。Keep a box free to stash works in progress so that you can tidy up but get started again quickly.

你应该常备三角架,因为任何轻微的移动都会造成照片模糊不清。You should always have a tripod since your photographs will come out blurry with any type of movement.

为孩子常备纸和蜡笔,这样他们在菜还没上之前就不会感到不耐烦了。Always bring along paper and crayons so the young child doesn't get restless before the food is served.