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那是一棵棕榈。The tree was a palm.

我的名字是魏懋棕榈。My name is Justina Palm.

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织工用棕榈叶织成了一顶帽子。The weavers made a hat from palm fronds.

翱翔在波澜起伏的棕榈树叶?To soar above the undulating palm fronds?

我要那鞭笞用的棕榈,来为参孙放声痛哭。I want the beating palms to cry out for Samson.

椰林棕榈,热带风味。Coconut trees and palms have a tropical flavour.

棕榈读来回答您的所有问题。Palmist Palm reading to answer all your questions.

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她用力挥着那把大棕榈扇,胳臂都酸痛了。Her arms ached from swinging the wide palmetto leaf.

月桂油的供应取决于椰子油和棕榈仁油的产量。So the supply of lauric oils will be more difficult.

巴西棕榈是一种天然的最硬物质。Carnauba is the hardest natural occurring wax available.

树叶和大片的棕榈叶可以给六板龟仔足够的安全感。Piles of leaves and palm fronds will add further "security".

人们可以把棕榈叶折叠起来盖棚屋,制伞,编篮子。You can pleat palm fronds to make huts, umbrellas and baskets.

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棕榈区内有一种植物也很奇特,叫旅人蕉。Palm area there is a very unusual plant, called travelers banana.

人群挥舞着棕榈枝,高唱着“和散那”向他致敬。A crowd greeted him by waving palm branches and singing "Hosanna."

混合了水仙、棕榈木、小苍兰及铃兰。A mixture of daffodils, palm wood, freesia and lily of the valley.

其母株上一次开花是1992年在法兰克福棕榈花园。Its mother plant last bloomed in the Frankfurt Palm Garden in 1992.

佛罗里达州居民可以从棕榈树上收集。Florida residents can collect these from their unsprayed palm trees.

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它的形式模仿拔罐的棕榈,这是邀请来的手。Its form mimics the cupping of a palm, which is inviting to the hand.

动物实验显示,顺式棕榈烯酸可以预防糖尿病。In animal experiments, cis-palmitoleic acid protects against diabetes.

微风吹到平台时,棕榈叶片发出簌簌的低吟。When these breezes reached the platform the palm-fronds would whisper.