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你是一个老糊涂。You are a dotard.

他有点儿老糊涂了。He has gone quite gaga.

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和一位老糊涂跳舞。Dance with an old duffer.

他是个老糊涂。He is a silly old buffer.

你这傻瓜,真是个老糊涂!You fool, that's a silly old fool!

老糊涂,恰恰在此刻打盹。Dotard, a-dozing at the very nonce.

这么容易就忘了,真是一个老糊涂。People who is old and muddle-headed.

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你当我白痴?老糊涂呀?嗑?!Don't you think I am idiot? Eat this?

你这傻爪,真是个老糊涂!You silly claw, that's a silly old fool!

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个虐待狂了。His dotage simply made him more sadistic.

再加上年老糊涂,他就更是个狂了。His dotage simply do he abundance sadistic.

这么容易就忘了,真是一个老糊涂。You are a real dotard to have forgotten it so easily.

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有时候孩子们跟我说话的样子就像我是个老糊涂似的!Sometimes the kids talk to me as if I'm in my dotage !

这丹尼才40多岁,不至于老糊涂了吧?This Danny is only 40 years old, not as old and confused?

跟他讲不清楚,他已经老糊涂了。He is old and confused. I can not explain it clearly to him.

“老糊涂的脑袋,布鲁图斯的心。”安灼拉回答说。"The head of a blockhead and the heart of a Brutus, " replied Enjolras.

根据你所处的人生阶段,你可能会将其称为一个大脑疏忽,或一个老糊涂的时刻。Depending on your stage of life, you might call it a brain fart or a senior moment.

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等到我长着长长的白胡子的时候,等到我老糊涂的时候。When I got a long white beard and about three marbles left rolling around upstairs.

看来我是老糊涂了,我忘了赞美和向往也是犯罪。I had forgotten. I do not believe admiration and wistful thoughts are against the societal norm.

埃里克森真是老糊涂。说得倒容易,如果中国10年内得了世界杯,那么那些核心球员现在应该20-25岁,你看看他们都是谁。Good old Sven. Talking a good game. If China wins anything within 10 years their senior players will be 20-25 now. And who are they?