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现在,这个论证是有效的Now, the argument is valid.

他的论证是这样的。His argument goes like this.

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因为这个论证的要求太苛刻了The argument requires a lot.

梅氏论证的动力。The motivation of Mei's proof.

这个论证好不好呢Is that a good argument or not?

这是个了不起的论证Now, it's a very cool argument.

我认为笛卡尔的论证不成立I think Descartes' argument fails.

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这一论证是完全站得住的。This reasoning is altogether sound.

这就是源于记忆的论证。That's the argument from recollection.

同时我将命名那些论证Also going to give the arguments names.

那么这个论证哪里出问题了?So, what goes wrong with this argument?

这大概是个循环论证。There may be a circular argument there.

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那就是源于记忆的论证。That was the argument from recollection.

这项论证前后不连贯。The argument doesn't hang together well.

姐妹们,你们知道这是言之有理的论证。Come on sisters, you know it makes sense.

我认为笛卡尔论证的确是不成立I think the Cartesian argument does fail.

这里明显存在一个循环论证的问题。Here there is obviously a circular problem.

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也许那个论证就错在这里Maybe that's where the argument goes wrong.

而更像是某类论证的总称It's rather the name for a kind of argument.

但这并非一种哲学上的论证”。But that's not a philosophical demonstration.