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我喜欢读书,读很多书,常常在深更半夜读。I read. A lot.

噢,你什么意思,你深更半夜打电话给我是什么意思啊?What do you mean by calling me at midnight?

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还有谁会深更半夜搬家啊?。And who moves in in the middle of the night?

深更半夜时,他忽然听到匆匆的脚步声。He heard hurried footsteps at dead of night.

宋怀为什么深更半夜闯进张红家?SONG Huai why middle of the night into Hong home?

她常在深更半夜弹吉他。She often plucks the strings of a guitar at night.

小孩被你们深更半夜里吵醒,直哭!My kid was badly wakened up in the deep night crying.

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我们深更半夜去游泳,只是为了好玩而已。We went swimming at midnight just for the hell of it.

这些年轻人深更半夜还在外边。The young people were still abroad at the dead of night.

他深更半夜默不作声站在那里,好像是来干坏事的。He was standing there by night like one intent on doing evil.

深更半夜,来来回回你累不累啊?Deep more midnight, come to return to return you tired not tired?

他讨厌深更半夜从建筑工地上传来的噪音。He was annoyed at the noise from the construction site in the midnight.

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这位科学家直到深更半夜完成这项工作才吃饭。The scientist didn't have supper until he finished the work at midnight.

深更半夜,研究者们蹚在齐腰深的沼泽地国家公园的水中。Researchers waist deep into the waters of the Everglades. In the middle of the night.

中国的年轻人每天都深更半夜的利用山寨手机和朋友聊天,代替了以往的qq即时通讯软件。Chinese teenagers fall asleep every night instant messaging friends via QQ on their shanzhai phones.

如果我不再当州长,而是当总统,只要我想深更半夜见谁,我就见谁。When I'm not governor anymore—because I'm president—I wanna meet somebody at midnight. I'll do that then too.

这就是咽喉,每逢深更半夜,有人告发仇人的无头状子偷偷塞进这咽喉,投下去。These were the throats down which went the anonymous accusation, thrust in secretly at dead of night by an enemy.

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他死皮赖脸,常深更半夜给她打电话,并威胁说,她要是不答应见他,就放把火烧掉她家的农舍。He repeatedly called her late at night, threatening to torch her family's farmhouse unless she agreed to meet him.

老黑母兔还没有睡,她孤身一个老睡不着,经常深更半夜走到窗前,望着月亮出神儿。Old black females do not sleep, she could not sleep alone an older, often middle of the night went to the window, watching the moon trance abuse.

这里吸引着全北京的零售商——许多人深更半夜就会到这里采购农产品,到靠近市中心的露天市场和超市销售。It attracts?vendors?from across the city, many visiting at night to buy produce to sell in open markets and supermarkets closer to the city centre.