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真相大白,克里斯果断地向多恩开了枪。The truth, Chris decisively shot donne.

那名侦探很快就于真相大白。The detective soon ravelled out the truth.

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一匹冠军马雕塑被偷之谜已经真相大白。The mystery of a stolen champion racehorse statue is solved.

乐观主义说一切都很美好,直到真相大白的那天。The optimist says it was beautiful, until the very last day.

这些聪明的记者们使被掩盖的水门事件真相大白于天下。The clever journalists blew the lid off the watergate cover-up.

这事很荒谬可笑,我相信不久一定会真相大白。This is ridiculous and I have no doubt that it will be clarified soon.

我们必须继续查讯,直至真相大白。We must carry on with the investigation until all the facts are found.

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一旦真相大白,那就会发现哈里顾同乞丐是差不了多少的。If the truth were known, Hareton would be found little else than a beggar.

不要讲半真半假的谎话,真相大白时还指望别人相信你。Don't tell half-truths and expect people to trust you when the full truth comes out.

短期内财务数字可以把人唬住,但是最后总会真相大白。Numbers can lie in the short-term, but the truth almost always comes out in the end.

还会有多少飞机和汽车将在真相大白之前失事?How many airplane and car crashes will occur before they are exposed for what they are?

之前「闹双包」的彩券头奖案件现在已经真相大白。The truth behind the recent lottery case with double winners has finally been revealed.

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不过他觉得“这是一份有意思且具有启发性的论文,但是科学最终会真相大白的。”This is an interesting and provocative paper, but science eventually comes out in the wash.

其次,虽然我一开始并不清楚,到底什么是后苏珊·安东尼时代,不过后来,终于真相大白。I wasn’t sure at first about what the post Susan Anthony period was about but here’s the scoop.

多多意外地遇见了艾莲娜,往日种种,真相大白,他们如何面对彼此?。Elena accidentally met a lot of the old days, all to reveal the truth, how they face each other?

很快真相大白,原来是爸爸埋头于读书而忘了加盐。It soon became clear that my father, deep in his reading, had forgotten to put salt in the soup.

人族和兽族间曾经有冲突,人族最终并未真相大白。There is, once again, conflict between the Orcs and Humans and the Humans don't come out on top.

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当他们聊起了各自的童年,两人真正的关系终于真相大白。The penny dropped about their true relationship as they talked about their childhoods during lunch.

这时张生赶到,真相大白,又经白马将军说合,张生与莺莺有情人终成眷属。With the persuasion of General on White Horse Student Zhang and Yingying were finally united in wedlock.

他仍然非常爱她,而且不想使她遭受这种真相大白所带来的痛苦。He still loved her very much and would not have wanted to put her through the grief of such a disclosure.