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我有铁窗门做盾。I have a screen-door shield.

假如指控成立,现年55岁的约翰逊将面临40年铁窗生涯。If convicted, the 55-year-old could spend 40 years in prison.

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奇怪的是,我看到的仿佛是透过囚室铁窗的那种光色。I find it odd that I saw it like that through the iron bars of a cell.

理想国无铁窗、扇扇窗扉迎阳光。Without shutters , the windows of the "Utopia" welcome in the sunlight.

而他付出的代价是极其高昂的四年含冤的铁窗生涯!He is an extremely high price of four years in prison wrongfully career!

如果罪证属实,棒球“本垒打之王”邦兹很可能面临两年多的铁窗生涯。If convicted, baseball's home run king could spend more than two years in prison.

我确实相信,世界上最恐怖的监狱并没有铁窗和围墙。I strongly believe that the most horrible prison has no ruthless walls and windows.

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今日响大埔见到有人间村屋装修,掉了很多旧款玻璃窗及铁窗花。There is a pile of old windows and metal windows guards spotted in the sidewalk somewhere in Tai Po.

所有人都被拘禁在萨勒姆监狱中,这是一栋花岗岩砌成的大楼,铁窗森严,石壁牢固。All were detained in the Salem Gaol, a grim edifice of granite blocks, iron-barred windows and brick-walled cells.

承认暗杀金的詹姆斯•艾尔•雷,虽然随后宣称自己是清白的,仍在铁窗后度过余生。James Earl Ray, King's confessed assassin, who later claimed his innocence, spends the rest of his life behind bars.

伤害和愤怒随着岁月变得愈加顽固而不可动摇,这些老人们似乎生活在四面铁窗的牢狱之中。Over the years, the hurt and anger had become solid, fixed and immovable, as if they were surrounded by prison bars.

几个摄影师拍了几张奥巴马的照片,他看起来在沉思,从铁窗里凝望着窗外。Several photographers snapped pictures of Obama, looking thoughtful, peering out the window from behind the steel bars.

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大幕拉开,最后一幕戏开演,贵族独自一人坐在铁窗后阴暗的牢房里。The curtain went up on the final act of the play and revealed the aristocrat sitting alone behind bars in his dark cell.

有师生恋情结的粉丝们可能会希望这一对修成正果,但高中老师和学生恋爱的多半以老师开始铁窗生涯为结果。Fans may want these two together, but relationships between a high school teacher and a student almost always end with jail.

这些人怕人偷、怕人抢,将家里的围墙筑的高高地再加上铁门、铁窗。They are afraid of being stolen and being robbed, so their house is defended by high wall, plus iron doors and iron windows.

达爱尔先生说,以她的罪行而论她必须服满刑期,这意味着她必须服完10天的铁窗生活,然后才能被遣送回英国。Daair said her sentence would include time served, which means she will spend 10 more days behind bars before being sent to Britain.

外面吵吵闹闹的,引起了月月和小青的注意,他们从铁窗前看到成泽正被成亚坤一群人围住。Outside noisy, caused a month and Xiaoqing attention from prison, they see Cheng Zezheng before Cheng Yakun was surrounded with people.

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对其处以三亿五千万美元罚款,四名科氏雇员将面临为期三十五年的铁窗生活。The company was liable for three hundred and fifty million dollars in fines, and four Koch employees faced up to thirty-five years in prison.

每天晚上在囚室里,他望着铁窗栏杆。她读着妻子的信,盼着自由的那一天。Each night within his prison cell he looks out through the bars. he reads the letters that she wrote. one day he'll know the taste of freedom.

对有的人来说,一个仇人也是一座监狱,那人的一举一动都成了层层铁窗,天天为之而郁闷忿恨、担惊受怕。To some people, an enemy may be a prison, the behaviors of whom become the endless closed windows of the prison that make them feel hatred and worries.