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从属官给雨龙一拳。Fraccion give Ryuu a punch.

然后,您需要初始化从属节点。Next, you'll initialize the drone node.

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作为丈夫,我总把我个人的意愿从属于你的。As a husband,I constantly subordinated my wishes to yours.

双击一个列表条目将打开它的从属对象。Double-clicking a list entry opens its subordinate objects.

中国嵌入全球价值链的产业处于一种从属、被支配的地位。Chinese industries embedded in GVC are in an auxiliary status in GVC.

这里,即使到现在,女孩是从属家庭的,总的来说几乎是全部。Here the subordination for a girl is, even now, by and large almost total.

书面语言需要有对顺序和从属的认识。Written language requires a firm understanding of sequencing and subordination.

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你会听到他说及从属,或独立变量之类的词汇。You will never hear him speaking in terms of dependent or independent variables.

从属请求在顶级页请求完成之后并行运行。Dependent requests are run in parallel after the top-level page request finishes.

每个应用程序都拥有唯一的名称,并从属与appName.akshell.com域。Each application has a unique name and serves from the domain.

在一些国家妇女对丈夫的从属是普遍现象。The subordination of women to the husband is a common phenomenon in some countries.

一般而言,非领头狼或从属地位的狼会在搏斗开始前就主动认输。Usually the less dominant wolf, the subordinate one, gives up before a fight begins.

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服装的主体性和整体性决定了鞋子的从属地位。The main body sex of dress and integral sex decided the appurtenant position of shoe.

在两层视图中查找并查看顶级工作项及其从属工作项。Find and view top-level work items and their dependent work items in a two-tiered view.

哈马迪·恩迪亚耶还是一名不为人知的新进球员,他从属的球队输球场次远超越赢球。Hamady Ndiaye is a little-known rookie on a team that loses far more often than it wins.

兴趣中心是画面的重点,周边区域应处于从属地位。This area will become the star in your play. The surrounding area should be subordinate.

从属连词连接一个独立从句和一个附属从句。A subordinating conjunction joins a independent an clause and a clause which is subordinate.

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大卫王又从属哈大底谢的比他和比罗他城中夺取了许多的铜。And from Betah, and from Berothai, cities of Hadadezer, king David took exceeding much brass.

这个应用程序显示已经从主节点迁移到从属节点的进程。This application shows the processes that have been migrated from the master node to the drone.

他把这种从属于其他体裁的形式发展成独立的乐曲形式。He developed this form which belongs to other style into a independent musical composition style.