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侦破发生在210纳米的紫外线。The detection takes place by UV at 210 nm.

警察上周侦破了一件凶杀案。The police cracked a murder case last week.

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那个女警的任务是侦破抢劫案件。This policewoman’s job is to detect robbery.

我有一本精彩的侦破小说,你想看么?I have a wonderful who-dun-it novel, do you want to read it?

保险公司侦破了那场火灾的真相。The insurance company ferreted out the truth about the fire.

所有的努力都是为了尽快侦破这个案件。All efforts were made to progress the case as soon as possible.

一个受过训练的人可以通过观察肢体语言来侦破谎言。A trained person can detect many lies by observing body language.

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那刺探认为那把丢失的枪是侦破这宗疑案的线索。The detective believes the missing gun is the key to the mystery.

局长刚上任不久就将一件无头案侦破了。Director Zhang solved an intricate case soon after he took his post.

警察承诺要想尽办法侦破那桩谋杀案。The police promised to leave no stone unturned in solving the murder.

由于线索过于疏略,我们的侦破工作难度很大。The clues are too sketchy, so it's hard to carry out our detective work.

这可能是一例福尔摩斯也难侦破的案件。This is a case even Sherlock Holmes might have found difficult to solve.

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象往常一样,联邦调查局没有提供侦破那些陈年旧案的细节。Generally, the FBI does not provide details about on-going investigations.

江都特警大队接案后迅速开展侦破工作,并于22日将两个嫌疑人抓获。The police went into investigation quickly and caught 2 suspects on Feb. 22.

白宫反恐负责人警告,该阴谋事件尚未完全侦破。Parts of the plot might remain undetected, Obama's counterterror chief warned.

一个折线沿着已成功侦破特征的边缘。A poly-line along the edges of the features that has been successfully detected.

侦破事实具有故事性、程序性、推理性特征。The investigation and detection facts have plot, program sense, and reasoning sense.

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警方找不到指印或其他线索来帮助他们侦破抢劫案件。The police can find no finger print or other clue to help them in solving the robbery.

虚构人物中最著名的兴奋剂使用者之一是伟大的犯罪侦破专家歇洛克·福尔摩斯。One of fiction’s most famous stimulant users is the great caper cracker Sherlock Holmes.

爆炸案的侦破是最困难和最富挑战性的,但是我们在改进。Bombing cases are the most difficult and challenging to resolve, but we’ve been improving.