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堂堂英格兰-你们的茔墓!England be your sepulchre.

但你步履沉稳,是个堂堂男子汉!But you will walk like a man!

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堂堂的优秀生,班主席。An honor student, class president.

他已失去堂堂仪表。He has lost his imposing appearance.

堂堂的,华丽的,极好的。They've designed us a superb studio.

他在舞会上显得仪表堂堂。He made a good appearance at the ball.

那个教师仪表堂堂。The teacher presented a neat appearance.

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想我堂堂兽中之王,虽属微小型,如此可爱。KOZA As the King of the woods, I'm a cute one.

他仍然是一个仪表堂堂的男子汉,受到凯丝琳的崇拜。He was a handsome man still, kathleen adored him.

我堂堂参谋将军,会输给你个书僮?I am the consultant. How can I lose this contest?

我能凭我堂堂的相貌和美丽赢得她的心。I can use my good looks and charm to win her heart.

我说的旁人自然就是指相貌堂堂的韦翰了。I said others naturally means the appearance of Matthew.

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为了她,你堂堂六王爷连帝位都不要了?"In order to her, you open six sovereign even tells all don"t?

这个仪表堂堂、下颚方正、圆圆的脑袋上顶一头短发的小伙子是谁啊?Who's the imposing, square-jawed chap with the pudding-bowl crop?

她回想起他在公园里和她约会的那些日子里他那堂堂的仪容。She remembered his fine appearance the days he had met her in the park.

父亲看上去是个典型的马手,仪表堂堂,带阔边帽子,留大胡子。The father was an imposing horseback type with a wide hat and moustache.

你喜欢也好,不喜欢也罢,生活总是垂爱那些仪表堂堂的人们。Life is “unfairly” biased towards people who “look good,” like it or not.

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父亲是个仪表堂堂的大人物。能够再次见到他,我开心极了。He was a big, good-looking man, and I was terribly happy to see him again.

你喜欢也好,不喜欢也罢,生活总是垂爱那些仪表堂堂的人们。Life is “unfairly” biased towards people who “look good, ” like it or not.

应战圣堂堂主,圣堂堂主掌控一个郡城!Holy Lord, holy challenge until the official control a county town! ! ! ! !