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一杯清茶,散发出沁人心脾的清香。A cup of tea, emitting a refreshing scent.

桌上有清茶,手中有雅诗。Table has green tea, has the hands of Ascott.

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爱是课间休息时先生给老师送去的一杯清茶。Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break.

无心于事,煮几壶清茶,独倚西窗。In no mood for things, boiling pot of tea, lean on the West window.

清茶一杯,金月一饼,让我们细细地品尝人生的回味,感受生活的真谛。Tea cup, gold on a cake, let us savor life taste, feel the true meaning of life.

一杯清茶,一条短讯,甚至一段文字,都是生活中简单的幸福。A cup of green tea, a SMS, or even a paragraph of text, is the simple happiness of life.

船上的大娘自然还得留他上“三元宫”看夜戏,到“四海春”去喝清茶。The madam on the boat was bound to keep him to see an opera and go to four seas teahouse.

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静静的夜,我泡一壶清茶,想着生活、工作中的种种。The static night, I soak pot green tea, was thinking perhaps in the life, work all sorts.

人生可以是一幅唯美的图画,一首热血的歌曲,一杯幽香的清茶。Life can be a beautiful picture of a hot-blooded songs, a delicate fragrance of green tea.

我的城市,没有灯火阑珊,没有车水马龙,只有一杯清茶,一缕清风,一阙清词,一纸清梦!My city, no lights, no traffic, only a cup of tea, a cool breeze, a que Ci, a paper clear dream!

假如裁有七十二变,我要变成下杯清茶献给我们的教师。Supposing I have seventy-two changes, I'd like to change into a cup of tea to offer our teachers.

我已经领悟到了喝杯清茶的单纯乐趣。I’ve learned the simple pleasures of drinking a cup of unsweetened tea made from whole tea leaves.

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士无故不撤琴瑟,一张琴、一把剑、一杯清茶,都代表着中国人心目中的空灵境界。A Qin, a sword, and a cup of tea symbolized the conception of man' being an integral part of nature.

清茶能生津止渴,盐可防止流汗过多而引起体内盐分不足。Green tea can promote the secretion, salt can prevent sweat too much salt deficiency caused by body.

偶尔,我甚至会把记忆撕得粉碎,于独品清茶间,尽饮无遗!Occasionally, I even will be torn to pieces by memory on independence for tea, do drink exhaustive !

饮一杯清茶,让自己进入平静、和谐、专心、虔敬、清明的心灵境界吧。Drink a cup of tea, and turn yourself into a calm, harmony, focus, devotion, a lucid state of mind it.

老鼠和虫子可能会啃坏你的地板,以致你掉到楼下的房间,成为一个喝杯清茶的不速之客。Mice and beetles may eat your floor so that you drop in to the flat below for an uninvited cup of tea.

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牵挂是一杯清茶,飘荡着淡雅的清香,却苦的有味,苦的醇厚,别有一番韵味。Is about a cup of green tea, an elegant fragrance waft , but bitter, bitter mellow, do not have a charm.

现在我会很开心地享用一顿丰盛的餐宴,也很满足地渡过清茶淡饭的一日。Now, I make sure I enjoy a good meal when there is one, but am contented to eat simply when there is not.

清晨的码头寂静而凉爽,一张藤椅、一壶清茶,享万顷之碧波,何等闲适。Silent and cool in the morning, a cane chair, a pot of light tea, and spacious green waves, what a leisure!