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“低价中标”简言之,就是以低于标底的价格中标。Low bid" In short, is to bid less than the Base Bid price."

目前,标底编制主要采用定额法和实物量法。Now the workout method of pretender is a norm and practical method.

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招标人设有标底的,标底必须保密。If a tenderer has a base bid price, it must be kept secret and confidential.

无标底招标是工程项目投资日益规范的体现。The non-price bottom bidding is a representation that the investment on projects is becoming standardized.

在土地市场发育不完善的1992年,标底地价与该宗地相对应的基准地价不存在差异。When the land market was just beginning in 1992, there was no difference between the base price and the strike price.

标底在工程项目招标中对业主测算工程投资、选择合适的承包商具有重要作用。The bid price base line plays an important role for the Owner in estimating the project investment and selecting proper Contractor.

通过建立完善的信用体系和法律框架,改革现行落后的工程造价管理模式,发展和完善无标底招标。Constructing credit and legislation system, and reforming current cost management mode, developing and perfecting bidding without base bid.

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本文对现阶段如何规范我国的无标底招标和合理低价法评标进行研究,以建筑招投标理论为基础,紧紧围绕无标底招标和合理低价法评标展开论述。It researched how to perfect the tendering without base price of bidding and the selecting bid with reasonable low price in our county now.

根据复合标底的概念和特征,对复合标底的评标办法进行了诠释。According to the concept and characteristics of composites of composite bidding, the interpretation is made for the bidding evaluation approach.

标底价格应考虑人工、材料、机械台班等价格变动因素,还应包括施工不可预见费、包干费和措施费等。The pre-tender price shall take into consideration factors affecting price fluctuation, including labor, materials, number and shift of machinery, etc.

水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算,价投标报价合理性的依据。Theconstruction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuringand bidding quoted price.

同时,它也是材料价格动态变化的计价依据,施工招标标底、投标报价的材料费计价的基础。Also it is the valuation criterion of material price dynamic variation and basis of the material valuation for bidding bottom of construction bid and tender quotation.

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但在目前工程建设交易的实际操作中却存在许多问题,如存在行政干预、地域保护现象严重、标底容易泄露、评标方法薄弱等。But there are still many practical problems, such as political interference, area protection, betray of base price, weakness of methods for review of tender and so on.

水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算、价投标报价合理性的依据。The construction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuring and evaluating bidding quoted price.

水利工程建设项目施工招标标底是招标人对工程投资的预测价格,是测算、评价投标报价合理性的依据。The construction bidding pretender of hydraulic project is forecasting price for project investment, is rational gist of measuring and evaluating bidding quoted price.

监督制度比较完善、土地市场发育比较成熟的1999-2001年,协议地价、标底地价都显著的高于基准地价。When the land market became mature with a better supervision system and more information disclosure since 1999, the strike prices have become higher than the base land prices.

推行工程量清单计价模式下的无标底招投标是我国工程招投标体制改革发展的方向和趋势。Applying the tender and bidding without lower limit in the BOQ valuation model is the direction and trend in the engineering tender and bidding structural reform in our country.

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结合公路建设项目的工程特点,详细介绍了无标底有限低标评标法,以期对公路建设工程在具体的招标工作中提供有益的指导。It is the direction of the project bidding system reform to apply the non-price bottom bidding system under the mode of valuation with bill quality of construction works in China.

在无标底招标试行的几年里,串标、低于成本价投标的现象时有发生,损害了业主的利益。During the years of trying out the non-price bottom bidding, the colluding in bidding or bidding below the cost has happened several times, which have damaged the benefits of owners.

文章对水利工程施工招标评标工作中,工程标底的确定和投标书的评审等问题进行了分析和探讨。The articel discusses the problems of tender invitation and tender assessment which exist in the water conservancy engineering, such as lowest tender determination and tender evaluation.