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字形上统一写法,减少异体字。The form is unified and variants are reduced.

异体字在水文中占据很高的比例。The proportion of Variants in Shuiwen is high.

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女书异体字的概念不同于汉字异体字。Variant syllabogram of Nushu differs from that of Chinese in concept.

全书收25000多字,归并7000多个异体字组。Gusizilue collected eXceed 25000 characters and mergered exceed 7000 groups.

经过改革后的简化字基本不再使用异体字。Simplified Chinese characters don't contain any variant forms of these characters.

魏晋南北朝石刻文献材料中存在大量异体字。There are many variant characters on the Stone Inscriptions of Weijin South and North Dynasties.

老实说,异体字和生僻字出现的频率比我的预期高。Honestly, this is easier than I expected, though the frequency of archaic and rare words is quite high.

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通假字、古今字、异体字,从理论上来说,应该是三个互不包容的术语。The three terms, interchangeable words, ancient and modern words, and variants should be uncontradictory.

从异体字不同的声符入手来研究战国古音,也是比较值得肯定的办法。An extraordinary way is that we can study the ancient sound by use of the different vocal sign in the variant characters.

西夏文中异体字、讹体字的大量存在,对研究和阅读文献带来诸多不便,因而很有必要对其加以整理和研究。The existence of numerous variants and errors in Xixia characters brings lots of inconveniences to studying its literature.

作为文字学意义上的异文,主要是指通假字和异体字。Variants in the sense of philology mainly refer to characters capable of replacing each other or variants of Chinese characters.

本部分简要回顾了历史上和建国初期对异体字的整理工作并介绍了三个字表产生的背景。This part make a brief review on this work in history and the founding of the early and introduce the background of this three table.

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同源字与异体字在理论上有着明确的畛域,但事实上二者有一定交叉。Theoretically, paronyms and words with variant forms are clearly demarcated, but in practice, there are certain overlaps between the two.

本文以现存的9种西夏文原始辞书作为基本材料,归纳和整理西夏文中的异体字和讹体字。In this paper, based on 9 kinds of Xixia character's original dictionaries, and documents, variants and errors of Xixia characters are discussed.

在古文字发展过程中,有时会出现两个或几个异体字的不同部件揉合在一个构形单位之中。从而构成一个新的异体的现象。In the course of the ancient Chinese characters' development, different parts of two or more variants might be mixed together to build a new form.

上述研究,使我们对东汉碑刻隶书异体字情况有一个大概的认识和瞭解。All these studies help readers generally get to know and understand the the official script variant forms of Chinese characters in Eastern Han Dynasty.

东汉时期的隶书异体字比较明显地反映了演变中的文字的面貌。The the official script variant forms of Chinese characters in Eastern Han Dynasty reflected the appearance of the evolution of the Chinese characters observably.

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校勘是文献整理遇程中十分基础、重要的一步。其中涉及拓本的选取,对异体字、俗体字、拓本泐蚀及错、讹、脱、衍等问题的细致考辨。Collation is the very basis of literature review process, which includes the selection of rubbings of variant forms, the research and discern of wrong and false folk characters.

当前,语言学界对同源字和异体字及其相互关系的认识颇有歧异。Currently, there are considerable disagreements among Chinese linguists, with respect to the definitions of Paronyms and Words with Variant Forms, and the relationship between the two.

本对其中的古今字和异体字作了一些分析介绍,从中显示了它们在汉字形体演变研究中的重要参考价值。This article has illustrated and analysed some examples of Gujinzi, and doublets, and pointed out their importance in the research in the evolution and development of Chinese characters.