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内蒙劫狱事件,一名逃犯被击毙,另外三人被捕。Police kill one escaped prisoner, capture three others.

高义山得到消息,刀锋队在汀泗桥劫狱的事情。Gao Yishan get news team blade in jail-breaks TingSi bridge.

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但是你有什么理由怀疑他们将会劫狱呢?But have you any reason for supposing a new rescue scheme is intended?

是的,在劫狱的时候也造成了大量损伤。Yes, the twitching , but also the damage done in the prison was too much.

报纸用叛乱和暴力劫狱的故事来满足公众的想象力。The newspapers fed the public imagination with stories of uprisings and jail deliveries.

各派英雄豪杰,为拯救岳飞,相约来到临安,实行劫狱。Each send heroic hero, to save Yue Fei, make an appointment to face how, execute goal delivery.

没有冯泰的支持,黄鸣锋只能召集莱芜地下党和游击队的同志武装劫狱。Without the support of Feng Tai, huang feng can only be called laiwu underground party comrades and guerrillas armed rescue.

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朋友们劫狱把商人释放出来,市中心爆发了支持他们行动的游行。A group of their friends stormed the prison and released them, sparking a massive city centre demonstration in their support.

在经历了劫狱事件后,贾巴把他的俘虏们带到了塔图因的大漠深处,准备把他们推进巨大的卡孔大坑里处死。Jabba, enraged at the attempted prison break, brought his captives out to the Tatooine desert, to execute them in the Great Pit of Carkoon.

苟金石在大铁塔的协助下,利用白丁与喜八郎的角斗制造监狱暴乱,趁乱成功劫狱。If with the help of large tower inscriptions, using white and xi eight lang pancratium manufacturing prison riots, take advantage of the disorder to rescue the success.

11月的时候还是在比哈尔,几百名毛主义者组成的部队组织了一场劫狱行动,解放了300多名囚犯,处决了九名由一个上层庄园主豢养的民兵。In November, also in Bihar, hundreds of Maoist troops orchestrated a jailbreak, freeing more than 300 prisoners and executing nine members of a private militia raised by upper-caste landlords.