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她在想入非非中混掉办公时间。She dreamt away the office hours.

他的想像脱离事实,想入非非。His imagination outruns the facts.

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你对完美女人想入非非。You're fantasizing about a perfect woman.

求婚时想入非非,结婚后如梦方醒。They dream in courtship, but in wedlock wake.

我满脑子都想入非非,整天想着哲学。My head was in the clouds, dreaming of philosophy.

我听了这些风言风语后,对她想入非非。After I heard these groundless talk , crackpot to her.

要正直地生活,别想入非非!要诚实地工作,才能前程远大。——陀思妥耶夫斯基。To live honestly, don't dream! Do you want to work honestly, to future.

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接下来的两天,嘉莉沉浸在想入非非中。For the next two days Carrie indulged in the most high-flown speculations.

这是个伟大的神话,包含了许多让人想入非非的元素。It's a great myth. It has a lot of elements that people love to fantasize about.

在她的许多遐思冥想中,她对当初的这一微笑作了种种想入非非的揣测。In her many musings, she surrounds the original smile with a multitude of fantasies.

正当它顾影自怜、想入非非之际,一头猛狮子扑上来,一口把它咬死了。While he was indulging in these proud thoughts , a lion fell upon him , and killed him.

伊丽莎白没有回答,因为这种想入非非的指望,并不能使她得到安慰。But as Elizabeth could not receive comfort from any such expectation, she made no answer.

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“长生不老药”听起来的确让人想入非非,但是第一例天然抗衰老药物已经离我们不远了。Elixirs of youth sound fanciful, but the first crude antiaging drugsmay not be so far away.

有一个想入非非的百万富翁乃至希图确立其对月球的优先据有权。One crarizonay millionaire even undertsimilarg to esttummylish his priority ofclaimto the moon.

我对曼哈顿、上东区、纽约城的想入非非和这本书产生了共鸣。It resonated with my fantasies about Manhattan, the Upper East Side and New York City in general.

曾有一次,她给我寄去了一张身着泳装的照片,使得我对她的爱痴狂得简直想入非非了。Once she sent me a snapshot of herself in a bathing suit, which drove me to the wildest of fantasies.

三人关系刻划入微,影片有种令人想入非非的奇异魅力。The relationships between the three men are delicately portrayed, and the film has great whimsical charm.

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在正常情况下,他是个尊重事实,讲究实际的人,一般不想入非非,或作离奇的设想。Normally, he was a factual and realistic person, rarely given to flights of fancy or contemplations of melodrama.

两人沐浴在雨中,细细的水流冲刷在身上,令人心旷神怡,想入非非。They are both in a warm rain. Thread-like stream washes away their perspiration making them comfortable and desirable.

顾名思义,别再讨论过去的恋情也别在现时的约会之前就开始对未来想入非非。That means no talking about past relationships and no getting ahead of yourself into the fantasy future with this date.