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我必须在明天午前做出决定。I am required to act before noon tomorrow.

我认为我午前不可能赶回来。I couldn't see myself coming back before noon.

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到下午前完成所有的通信联络事宜。Finish up any correspondence by early afternoon.

对于有些人的高峰期会在午前到来。For some people the peak comes during the forenoon.

除非明日午前接受,否则卖主将撤消报价。Seller will withdraw offer unless accept by tomorrow noon.

为了在午前到达该处,我们黎明即动身上路。We started our trip at dawn in order to get there before noon.

Hill说,“早上我徒步5英里,中午前到家。"I hiked 5 miles this morning and I got home by noon, " says Hill.

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为了在午前到达该处,我们黎明即动身上路。DAWN】We started our trip at dawn in order to get there before noon.

某些人在晚上后上床并且午前起来。Some people go to bed late at night and get up late in the morning.

在我预计去接她那个下午前,我给监狱去了电话。On the afternoon before I was due to pick her up, I called the prison.

他得在中午前缴一份报告,所以他必须赶去学校把它写完。One of his reports is due before noon, so he has to rush to school to finish it.

我有好些零碎活要赶,得在中午前做完,因此忙得很。I am busy today, and I have a bunch of odds and ends that I have to do before noon.

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中午前羊群就又累又渴了,它们需要草和水以恢复精力,否则就会死去。By mid-day the sheep are exhausted and thirsty. They need refreshing or they will die.

比赛在法律禁止的地方无效,我们将在11月2日中午前选出赢家。Contest is void where prohibited and I will select the winners at noon on November 2nd.

艾布哈尼法,伊本·焦资,许多沙菲仪学派法学家都允许午前投石。For example, Abu Hanifa, Ibn Al-Jawzi, some Shafi'i jurists allowed throwing before the zawal.

好的,蒙格玛丽女士。我会在周四下午前把这些计划送到您的办公室。All right then, Ms. Montgomery. I'll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon.

搬家时间尽量要在午前,因为中午以前叫做阳,中午以后就叫做阴。Moving time try to come in before noon, because called Yang until noon, after noon is called Yin.

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好的,蒙格玛利女士。我会在周四下午前把这些计划送到您的办公室的。A. All right then, Ms. Montgomery, I'll get those plans over to your office by Thursday afternoon.

午前午后和之后的时间里我都在用水壶给田里的雇工送水。Before noon and after noon and after that, I carried water to the hired men in the field in a jug.

我也要求美国人民在自己的住所依午前传统降半旗。I also request the people of the United States to display the flag at half-staff from their homes for the customary forenoon period.