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我不喜欢两面三刀的人。I don't like two-faced person.

我开始了解你是怎样一个两面三刀的人。I'm beginning to learn how two faced you are.

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所以,奥巴马再一次两面三刀了。So, Barack Obama is two-timing us Brits again.

可她没有姐妹,这个两面三刀的人!But he has no sisters. He's a two-faced person!

汤姆的朋友说他是个两面三刀的骗子。Tom's friend said he was a double-tongued liar.

可他没有姐妹,这个两面三刀的人。But he has no sisters. He is a two-faced person.

这故事是说那些两面三刀的人,最终不会有好下场。He that is neither one thing nor the other has no friends.

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我最恨两面三刀的人。我受不了身边有一个这样的人。I hate phonies most. I can't stand having one of them around me.

是的。我觉得生物和化学是两面三刀个紧密相联的研究领域。Yes. I think biology and chemistry are two closely related fields of study.

“尊贵的丁太太,我喜欢你,可是我不喜欢你的两面三刀,”他又大声说。Worthy Mrs Dean, I like you, but I don't like your double-dealing,' he added aloud.

他跑进街道,过马路要看看两面三刀边,要不然是很危险的。He runs into the street. Look both ways before you cross the street. Or it's very dangerous.

本月初泄露的一份白宫报告谴责盟友巴基斯坦两面三刀,称其避免“卷入与阿富汗塔利班或北瓦济里斯坦的基地组织军队直接交战的军事行动。”by avoiding "military engagements that would put it in direct conflict with Afghan Taliban or al-Qaeda forces in North Waziristan".

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历史上,黑龙潭曾两面三刀次被皇帝敕加“龙神”封号,使黑龙潭名列中国名泉之列。In the history, Black Dragon Pool was conferred the title of "God Dragon" by emperors for twice, becoming one of the famous springs of China.

即使对朝鲜长期的盟友北京方面来说,也早就对金正日两面三刀的行为失去了耐心,而且可能愿意采取更加强硬的政策。Even Beijing, the North's long-time ally, long ago lost patience with Kim's belligerent behavior and might be willing to adopt a tougher policy.