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接下来就是避孕问题了。Then there is the contraception issue.

避孕丸、避孕器、避孕剂。A contraceptive pill, device, drug, ETC.

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一种避孕法提高了艾滋病风险?Does a Birth Control Method Raise HIV Risk?

此产品并没有杀精或避孕。This product is not a spermicide or contraceptive.

与他们曾经运用的节育方式比避孕药丸和避孕环更安全。So is the IUD. Both are safer than they used to be.

周期避孕法的别称,用于控制生育。Another name for the rhythm method of birth control.

有许多避孕法并不可靠。There are many contraceptive method is not reliable.

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伙计们如果避孕只是你们的目标那么这应是你们的程序。If that’s your goal, then this is your program, folks.

梵蒂冈反对堕胎和人工避孕。The Vatican opposes abortion and artificial contraception.

避孕的原因是“人口剧增”。The cause for contracepting offspring is the “population explosion”.

男性避孕目前仅能靠保险套或输精管结扎手术。Condoms or a vasectomy are still the only male contraceptive choices.

育龄夫妻可以用避孕的方法间隔开妇女的生育时间。Contraceptive methods enable the couples to space out their children.

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学习一下如何与你十几岁的孩子讨论禁欲与避孕的问题。Find out how to talk to your teen about abstinence and contraception.

传统的避孕药物模拟规律的28天月经周期。Traditional birth control pills mimic a regular 28-day monthly cycle.

在研究中,迪亚还给雌性狐猴注射了起到避孕作用的醋甲孕酮。Female lemurs in Drea's study were given the contraceptive DepoProvera.

在研究中,迪亚还给雌性狐猴注射了起到避孕作用的醋甲孕酮。Female lemurs in Drea’s study were given the contraceptive DepoProvera.

但是子宫内避孕器引致直肠穿孔的病例就极为罕见。However, perforation of the colorectum by an IUCD is extremely unusual.

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自然避孕法需要动力、谨慎和自制力。Natural family planning requires motivation diligence and self-control.

那儿没有什么关于避孕的条款,也没有什么强制性的暗示。Provision of contraception is free, but there is no hint of compulsion.

在健康问题之下,你可能会想要加上避孕和不育。Under health issues, you may want to add contraception and infertility.