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她将名垂千古。Her fame will endure for ever.

他总是要死的,但他将会名垂千古。He will die, hut his fame will live on after him.

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你的成就将使你名垂千古…You will go down history for your accomplishment.

你在干嘛?我让树懒…名垂千古。What are you doing?- I'm putting sloths on the map.

做太监的人有福了,因为他们必名垂千古。Blessed are the eunuchs, for they shall obtain an everlasting name.

议会表示,希望这位俄罗斯领导人的名字能够名垂千古。The parliament said it would immortalize the Russian leader's name.

她的勇敢决定作为我们大家的榜样而名垂千古。Her brave decision reverberates through history as an example to us all.

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此时此地,谁能抗拒能够用现金支票换取将来名垂千古?Who could resist a pay cheque in the here and now for deferred immortality in the hereafter?

使他获得喜乐和愉快的冠冕,叫他承受名垂千古的基业。She shall heap upon him a treasure of joy and gladness, and shall cause him to inherit an everlasting name.

如果你去特洛伊,荣誉将属于你,他们会记下你的故事,你的胜利将会名垂千古。If you go to Troy, glory will be yours, they will write stories about your victories for thousands of years.

我由衷地向这位伟大的心脏病研究先驱的精神致敬,作为一名外科医生,他终将名垂千古。I gratefully salute the spirit of this great cardiac pioneer, who will always be"one of the Surgical Immortals. ""

这个联盟的特殊让我们确信,我们现在所做的将名垂千古。其中的成就感只能暗自体会。A union with another preserves our uniqueness and assures us that we matter, that we will be remembered long after we are gone.

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我有无数的女人,我有充足的武器,我所拿出的每块宝石,都让人们羡慕崇拜。我的功绩会名垂千古。I have plenty of women, I have plenty of weapons, I have moved every precious stone you people worship upon. My mark will be left on this world forever.

这个联盟的特殊让我们确信,我们现在所做的将名垂千古.其中的成就感只能暗自体会。A union with another preserves our uniqueness and assures us that we matter, that we will be remembered long after we are gone. This connection is an achievement that can only be experienced inwardly.