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但愿如此!I wish!

如此柔软。So soft.

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的确如此。Yeah, sure.

我是如此的充满禅意。I am so ZEN.

悲伤即是如此。So is grief.

每一块钱都是如此。Every dollar.

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但也不常常如此。But not often.

但愿不会如此。I hope not so.

但愿如此!Let’s hope so.

他是如此明智。He was so wise.

我希望如此,先生。I hope so, sir.

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我也希望如此。I hope so, too.

可能如此。It could be so.

伯顿希望如此。Burton hopes so.

为什么如此繁荣?So why the boom?

我们只能希望如此。We can but hope.

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但是西班牙却不如此。But not in Spain.

城市是如此地拟人化。City is so Human.

汉米尔顿如此说。Hamilton said so.