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在钱的方面,我情愿经常保持有赢余。I'd rather keep a constant surplus in terms of money.

公司普通股、赢余及保留赢余的账面值。The book value of a company's common stock, surplus and retained surplus.

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惟有使粮食赢余,他才能继续养活自己及家人。He can continue to support himself and his family only if he produces a surplus.

才仅仅过了三个月,这家公司已经没有赢余没有利润。After only three months, the company was able to breakeven and stop making profits.

市政府财政近两年每年财政赢余说明。I The financial surplus is explained market government finance every year the past two year.

残炭用于在轨范条件下,测定油品裂解后赢余碳量的轨范化测试本领。Carbon Residue Sta verydardized test which measures the volume carbon left over due after pyrolysis under sta verydard conditions.

如果这个五年计划是要在五年内有所赢余,你应该在当前已经看到有所进展,“卡能说。If the five-year plan is to make a profit in five-years' time you ought to be seeing progress in that direction now, " said Cannon."

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中国经济有赖于经常性帐户赢余和巨大的外汇储备保护,但是一旦遭受资本的突然撤出,中国的银行体系将遭受重创。China's economy is protected by its current-account surplus and vast reserves, but its banking system would be hurt by an abrupt withdrawal.

讨论了赢余过程的性质,利用赢余过程的性质,给出了有关破产概率的两个结论。The properties of surplus process are discussed and two conclusions related to the relevant bankruptcy probability are given by using the properties.

在过去的25年里,我们始终保持着经常项目赤字。中国人和各产油国则获得了赢余。For the past 25 years, we have been running a constant current account deficit. The Chinese and the oil-producing countries have been running a surplus.

风险基金的提取和使用,要视农民的承受能力和企业赢余状况情况不同而有所侧重,进而达到规避产业市场风险的总目标。The appropriation and use of the venture capital have to depend on the economic condition and the company's financial situation so that the risks in the market can be avoided.

金融市场的基本经济功能是把资金从赢余者手中引导到赤字者手中,从而金融市场为整个经济增加生产和提高效率提供了可能。The basic economic function of the financial market is to guide the fund from the profit person to the deficit person, which raises the efficiency and makes contribution to the whole economy.