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此操作应该失败。This should fail.

这个祭祀是怎么操作的呢?How does it operate?

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这个门是要用手操作的。This door is manual.

操作气动绞车。Operate the air winch.

为每个操作创建一行说明。Create a line for each.

七次操作,对吗?总共有8个元素。I've got eight elements.

现在我们演示实际操作。Now for the actual work.

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操作参与。Operation participation.

此操作成功。This operation succeeds.

文档级操作。Document-level operation.

詹妮在操作电脑。Jenny is at the computer.

是我花了多少次操作来完成这件事?Seven comparisons, right?

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输入一个空行,以结束操作。Enter a blank line to end.

您能猜到它将执行什么操作吗?Can you guess what it does?

完成拖拉操作。Complete the drag operation.

电脑操作控制。Computer operation controls.

操作简单,控制容易,一学就会。Easy to operate and control.

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它实际上需要更多手工操作。It is more manual in nature.

他喜欢操作刹把。He likes operating brake bar.

修复操作是不可撤销的!Repair operation is undoable!