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我们急需帮手。We need help inferiorly.

你可以自己选择你需要的帮手。You can handpick your assistants.

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也有约翰作他们的帮手。John was with them as their helper.

戈尔巴乔夫基本没有拥有改革思想的帮手。Gorbachev had few reform-minded aides.

一句话,它们是完美的帮手。In short, they are perfect accomplices.

你们迎来了一位可爱的小环境帮手。You've got a nice little environment helper.

农民在采收期总是需要额外的帮手。Farmers always need extra help with the harvest.

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他有帮手,但是他将亲自手写出来。He has help, but will write it himself, in longhand.

磨炼意志最好的帮手是困难。The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

磨练意志最好的帮手是困难。The difficulty is the best helper for steeling will.

干这个的是牧羊人或者牧羊人雇来的帮手。The shepherd or his hired hands must do it for them.

你认为还需要多少帮手加强你们这次行动?How many hands do you think to swell your operations?

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里克是其中一个帮手,盖恩斯派他去把伊菜叫来。Rick is among them and Gaines sends him to fetch Eli.

别跟我讨价还价,只能给你一个人作帮手。Don't want to horse-trade to me, just one man with you.

希望能成为对方生活上好的帮手,工作的好助手。I hope to be your good assistant in your life and work.

那个护士只是一个帮手,在那儿工作时间不长。The nurse was a substitute who had not been there long.

英语能帮手我们相识许多书战影戏。English can help us understand⑤ many new books and movies.

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但不清楚他是枪手还是帮手。It is unclear whether he is the rifleman or an accomplice.

钟表匠已经多年没有带人来做帮手了。The clockmaker hadn't brought her anyone to help for ages.

尽管人们证明他是一个认真尽责的帮手。It turns out, though, that he was a conscientious helpmate.