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一棵杨柳歪歪斜斜长在一条小溪边。There is a willow grows aslant a brook.

家俱摆得歪歪斜斜。The furniture in the room was placed askew.

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你满屋子都是歪歪斜斜的画框---你有意这样。You have a house full of crooked picture frames –on purpose.

歪歪斜斜的身影,又怎耐的住风雨的洗礼。The crooked figure, how to endure the baptism of wind and rain.

黑色盔甲者惨叫一声,歪歪斜斜地栽倒在地上。The black guy pitifully yells and crookedly plants on the ground.

裤子全都是歪歪斜斜的,裤脚已经磨损,上衣也已破旧并且褪了色。Trousers were all warped and frayed at the bottom and coats worn and faded.

朱丽娅用她那歪歪斜斜的字体不整齐地在下面写了九、十行。Some nine or ten lines of writing in Julia's uneven and sprawling handwriting came below.

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头巾上插著一支大羽毛左摇右晃,大眼镜戴得歪歪斜斜,假胡子飘飘欲飞!A big feather bobbing in his turban-fez, huge glasses askew, and his false moustaches flying!

它至少有四层楼高,修筑得歪歪斜斜,一定是靠魔法搭起来的。It's at least four stories tall, built so crazily that it must certainly be held up by magic.

头巾上插著一支大羽毛左摇右晃,大眼镜戴得歪歪斜斜,假胡子飘飘欲飞!A big feather bobbing in his turban-fez, huge glasses askew , and his false moustaches flying!

这个布娃娃穿着一件绿T-恤,还有一张松开的尿布歪歪斜斜挂着。它脸朝下趴着,胳膊搭在头上。The doll was lying face-down, arms over its head and dressed in a green T-shirt and a loosened diaper.

大约在内陆站以下五十英里的地方,我们遇到了一所芦苇房子,一根歪歪斜斜的令人触目神伤的旗杆。Some fifty miles below the Inner Station we came upon a hut of reeds , an inclined and melancholy pole.

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它纷纷飘落,厚厚积压在歪歪斜斜的十字架上和墓石上,落在一扇扇小墓门的尖顶上,落在荒芜的荆棘丛中。It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns.

它纷纷飘落,厚厚积压在歪歪斜斜的十字架上和墓石上,落在一扇扇小墓门的尖顶上,落在荒芜的荆棘丛中。It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones , on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns.

活动百叶窗歪歪斜斜地挂着,一角白光从中漏进来,工头乔·奎尔的手移到了白光中。The venetian blinds hung askew and admitted a triangle of white light, the shadow of the foreman's hand moving into it.

那座岩壁,像是哈尔巴企克这怪物脸上的一颗长得歪歪斜斜的大门牙,龇着,突出去好远。The precipitous cliff of the monstrous Harbaqik Mountain looks like a crooked front tooth bared and projected to a great length.

和卡尼姆的谈话激起了她的回忆,在分水岭歪歪斜斜的沟壑里,她重新回到了梦中那些嘲弄人的幻想中。The talk with Canim had excited her, and down all the twisted slant of the divide she harked back to the mocking fantasies of her dreams.

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接着在这次骑行的后期,也就是三个月前,我开始放慢速度,在歪歪斜斜的路上开始了我返家的旅程。From there, though, with the end of a ride that began almost three months ago looming, I slowed down and started on an oblique route home.

这样的场景,似乎很遥远,却让我不由衷地感到亲切,想必操场上,排得歪歪斜斜的,有个我。Such a scenario, it seems very far away, made me feel not sincerely friendly, must have the playground, volleyball was crooked, there's me.

在小白盒的一侧,有一个五岁的小孩用蜡笔不合章法地写的名字“埃里克”,字体歪歪斜斜。Written on the side of the box in crayon, with five-year-old hands, in letters that did not match and leaned to one side, was the name "Erick".