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然后根据你的耳机再建立二房、解码系统。Then build your amp and DAC to match the headphones.

结果两组房室模型均拟合为二房室开放模型。Results Both groups were of two compartment open model.

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大鼠灌胃葛根提取物和脑得生片后的药-时曲线均符合二房室模型。The plasma concentration-time curves of puerarin were fitted with two-compartments model.

结果进行CVVH时,万古霉素的体内药动学过程呈开放型二房室模型。RESULTS The pharmacokinetics of vancomycin during CVVH was fitted well with open two-compartment model.

据了解,该盘尚有二房、三房、复式,多种户型面积可供选择。It is understood that the disk still Erfang, three bedrooms, duplex, multi-apartment area to choose from.

国内金融机构海外投资二房相关债务是否应该有最高总额的限制?Should financial institutions' oversea investment be imposed the cap on debts of Finnie Mae and Freddie Mac?

结果显示,静脉注射125I-NGF在小鼠体内的代谢规律符合二房室开放模型。Result demonstrate the time 125I -NGF concentration in plasma curve after iv fit a two compartment open model.

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结果显示,静脉注射125I-NGF在小鼠体内的代谢规律符合二房室开放模型。Result demonstrates the curve of time- 125I-NGF concentration in plasma after iv fit a two compartment open model.

用二房室模型比较了原位灌流的大鼠空肠和迴肠锌吸收速率常数及动态过程。The kinetics of zinc absorption of jejunum and that of ileum were compared in perfused rats by a two-compartmental model.

她十七岁时,父母把她嫁到窦马庄给一个名叫窦喜功的富农当二房妻子。她不久便在丈夫的炕上取代了第一房妻子。She had been sent by her parents to Toumachuang when she was seventeen to be the second wife of a rich peasant named Tou Hsikung.

泰格公寓由232套豪华公寓组成,这些公寓包括一房、二房、三房以及四房公寓。Fraser Place Shekou has 232 luxurious apartments comprises of studio, one-, two-, three-bedroom apartments to four-bedroom penthouses.

通过在云环境下药代动力学的二房室静脉注射模型的计算实例验证该方法的可行性。Demonstrates the Performances of the proposed method by two-compartment intravenous injection model calculation example in pharmacokinetics.

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柏华丽豪华公寓,设有客房261间,共有一房一厅、二房一厅、三房一厅以及复式四种,可配合不同需求的客人。Belvedere Service Apartments provide 261 suites with a variety of layout ranging from one-bedroom, two-bedroom, three-bedroom and duplex suites.

补助娶二房?科威特一名国会议员提议为男性公民“娶二房”提供补助,以便解决这个产油酋长国剩女过多的问题。Kuwaiti MP proposed state-aid for male citizens to take second wives, in a bid to reduce the large number of unmarried women in the oil-rich emirate.

结果以一级吸收和消除的二房室模型拟合麦考酚酸的药动学过程为佳,一级速率条件算法计算。RESULTS A two-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination provided the best fitting. First order conditional estimation was employed as the algorithm.

本文讨论了确定药物剂量的二房室模型,在快速静脉注射给药方式下给出了各参数的估计。In this paper, the two-compartment model of determining the Medicine dosage was discussed, and the parameter estimators were given on the condition of quick intravenous injection.

在日本统治时期,台湾姑娘认为给人当二房或三房姨太太是丢人的,但现在由于无以为生,许多人把这当作最好的出路。Under Japanese rule, Formosan girls would have been ashamed to be second or third wives, but now, because they could not make a living, many of them thought it the best arrangement.

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结果除桑菊饮呈一房室模型分布外,其他三方均属二房室模型分布,四个方剂基本上均按一级动力学消除。The concentration, of all four prescriptions was eliminated as first-order kinetics, and their distribution appeared generally to be two-compartment model expect Sangju-Yin by this method.