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爱女人的声音。Love the woman's voice.

他不能正常地爱女孩子。He could not love girls normally.

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他们是欧丁神,雷神,司爱女神。The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya.

我爱朋友,爱孩子,爱女人。Love friends, love kids, love women.

她说她的爱女令她骄傲。She said her beloved daughter was her pride.

秦坤爱女心切,不许麦子再去找刀锋。QinKun baby swiftly, forbid to wheat seek blade.

失赴爱女之痛对我然而言是一种净化。The pain of losing my child was a cleansing experience.

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男人喜欢爱女人,但有时候也喜欢她爱他。Men love women, but they sometimes want to love them to.

因此他爱女人,那最危险的游戏。For this reason he loves woman, the most dangerous plaything.

但是,我的爱女,将活在恒久不变的黑暗中。But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt.

爱女琼琼的第九个专集与大家见面了!Love daughter Qiong Qiong the special fair of 9th with all have met!

没错,她就是前张图片里为弗格森唱小夜曲的可爱女孩儿。Yes, she's the lovely lady serenading Sir Alex in the previous slide.

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因此,男人用大辫爱女人,就不足为奇了。It is not surprising to me at all that men still love women with long hair.

我们的第三个孩子,爱女梅莉莎,在17岁那年突然被上帝接回天家。Our third child, 17-year-old Melissa, was unexpectedly ushered into heaven.

思思是“锦绣山庄”庄主田二爷的独生爱女。Think think is "splendid villa" field of only putting Lord zhutheirg babdominisy.

我们这对痛失爱女的父母,是否仍能找到荣耀上帝的方法?Could we, in our new identity as bereaved parents, still find a way to glorify God?

穷人只知道后面有一棵毫不相干的苹果树,也就答应了,其实却是他的爱女。The poor man thinks it is an apple tree and agrees – but it is actually his daughter.

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尽管他从未结婚,但有一点毫无疑问,亨利爱女人。And, although he never married, there is no doubt at all that Henry Ground loved women.

在孝和玉华爱女心切,决议把上好的补药全部留给老实吃。YuHua swiftly in filial piety and the baby, all the best resolution for honest eat tonic.

当然,证明一个男人爱女人,并不能证明他不爱男人。Then again, proving that a man loves women isn't the same as proving that he doesn't love men.