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在这条荒野的小路上隐伏着危险。Dangers lurk in the path of wilderness.

比尔凭直觉感到他们的计划隐伏着罪恶。Bill intuits the hidden guilt behind their plan.

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第三个危机是隐伏于未来的大流行性流感。A third crisis, pandemic influenza, lurks in the future.

钱伯德城堡隐伏在一座森林的中央。Hidden in the center of a forest is the Chateau Chambord.

从而为隐伏溶洞的预测积累了经验。The experiences for forecasting covered karst cave are accumulated.

安徽庐江龙桥铁矿属一大型隐伏磁铁矿矿床。Iron ores of greatest economic interest contain magnetite and hematite.

在隐伏断层的上方出现了氡和地气异常。There is abnormal distribution of radiometric Rn over the concealed fault.

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安徽庐江龙桥铁矿属一大型隐伏磁铁矿矿床。The Longqiao iron ore deposit is a large-scale hidden magnetite ore deposit.

奥灰水通过基岩隐伏露头侧向补给矿井。O groundwater recharges the mine through buried outcrop of bedrock laterally.

为了防御墙外隐伏的恐怖,多加上一层防护。One more line of defense against the unnamed horrors that lurked beyondher walls.

沈从文田园牧歌式的乡土小说在平和冲淡下隐伏着悲剧意蕴。Pastoral and agrestic novel writen by Shen Congwen contained tragical consciousness.

都龙隐伏花岗岩体是老君山花岗岩基南延隐伏部分。Dulong hidden granite is a southward stretching part of Laojunshan granite batholith.

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目前单一探测手段难以准确探测隐伏导水陷落柱。To use monadic means is difficult to correctly locate hidden water flowing subsided columns.

新疆黄山铜镍矿床是一个与基性-超基性岩体有关的隐伏大型铜镍矿床。The Huangshan copper-nickle deposit is a large blind one related with basic-ultrabasic rocks.

房县盆地内INSAR影像图上显现的线性影像证实为一条隐伏断层。The linear image shown by INSAR inside Fangxian basin has been proved as a hidden fault belt.

因此,除了具备摄影师应有的技巧外,还要善于隐伏跟踪。Therefore, in addition to the photographer should have the skills, but also good at hidden track.

大功率充电法是寻找隐伏硫化物矿床的有效方法。The large power mise-à-la-masse method is an effective technique in exploring hidden sulfide deposits.

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暴露地表矿床、隐伏矿床、分散矿化的异常指标各不相同。The anomalous indicatrices of surface mine, hidden deposit and dispersed mineralization are different too.

他们让我不断练习称作“隐伏”的事情,让你在魔法间谍面前隐藏自己的技巧。They've got me practicing this thing called " occultation , " the art of hiding yourself from magical spies.

同时指出,沉积混杂岩是研究隐伏基底的重要窗口。Meanwhile, they point out that the sedimentary melange is an important window to study the concealed basement.