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我跌倒,我晕厥,我窒息!I die, I faint, I fall!

象这样的病我们就称做晕厥。Such an attack is termed syncope.

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晕厥的世界,我心已死。The world of dizzy Jue, my heart is dead.

血管迷走性晕厥机制复杂。The mechanism of vasovagal syncope is complex.

弗兰在离去前,给已经晕厥的巴德深情一吻。Fran gives the stunned Bud a kiss before she leaves.

据说,当时小布什甚至出现了短暂的晕厥。The former president even briefly lost consciousness.

您能用什么药治疗我的晕厥吗?Can you give me some medicine to calm the syncope down?

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大部分的情侣在看到自己心爱的晕厥。Most of the lovers swoon at the sight of their beloved.

输卵管破裂是会出现晕厥或者休克。In cases of rupture, lightheadedness or shock may occur.

对晕厥的诊断具有一定的挑战性。Evaluation of syncope can be challenging for many reasons.

心脏剧烈跳动,出汗,脸红,几乎晕厥过去。High heart pounding, sweating, flushed, and nearly passed out.

运动相关的晕厥为心源性晕厥的特征。The movement-related syncope is the feature of the cardiac syncope.

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血管迷走神经性晕厥出现的先兆症状和体征有哪些?。What premonitory signs and symptoms may exist for vasovagal syncope ?

在最后一幕结束时,他眼看着她晕厥过去,心下忧虑如焚。He watched her collapse at the end of the finale, and was greatly concerned.

方法回顾分析26例心源性晕厥的临床资料。Methods Recall and analysis Clinical data of 26 cases of cardiogenic syncope.

目的评价血管迷走性晕厥患者的压力反射器功能。Objectives To study the baroreflex function in patients with vasovagal syncope.

晕厥的原因包括任何可以暂时性减少脑灌注的病变。Causes of syncope include any process that transiently reduces cerebral perfusion.

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看完那一段,我不禁幻想出我回到维多利亚那个在问到盐的味道而晕厥在沙发上的时代。I had to retire to my Victorian fainting couch with smelling salts after that one.

来,艾美,试演一下晕厥那一场,你演这幕时生硬得像根拨火棍。Come here, Amy, and do the fainting scene, for you are as stiff as a poker in that.

何种病因不明的晕厥发作后病人应收入院治疗?。Who should be admitted to the hospital after an episode of syncope of unclear cause?