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讨论了小麦品种烟农19的淀粉品质性状改良等问题。Some question of the starch traits of Yannong 19 were discussed.

受到卡纳塔克邦高价销售价格的鼓舞,烟农们要求每公斤支付110卢比左右的价格。Farmers are demanding Rs 110 a kg or so, enthused by the high prices paid in Karnataka.

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我希望烟农们不会违反给这个邦规定的1.7亿公斤的配额。I hope growers will not violate the quota of 170 million kg fixed for the state, " Babu said."

印度烟草委员会进行了干预,并与贸易商和烟农举行了会谈,以解决问题。The board had intervened and held talks with the traders and the farmers to solve the problem.

不同组织模式总体评价结果为烟农互助组最佳。Overall farmers mutual aid was the best in the evaluation results of different organization models.

美国烤烟烟农公司已经指定圣·裘德儿童医院作为它的慈善受益人。Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers has designated St. Jude's Children's Hospital as its charitable beneficiary.

讨论小麦品种“烟农19”在灵璧县的高产优质栽培技术等问题。High yield and quality cultivating methods of wheat variety Yannong 19 in Lingbi county were discussed.

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以前他在管理烟厂的时候,采用了和烟农互利的办法。Before his time in the management of factory, and tobacco growers to adopt a mutually beneficial solution.

他还警告这个省的烟农不要对烟草拍卖市场的开放过度兴奋。He also cautioned farmers in the province against being overexcited about the opening of a tobacco floor market.

也被称为“烟草买断计划的”烟草转移支付项目,帮助烟草配额持有人和烟农过渡到自由市场。TTPP, also called the "tobacco buy-out, " helps tobacco quota holders and producers transition to the free market.

日本法律要求日本烟草公司从国内烟农手中购买所有烟叶用于国内生产。Japanese laws require Japan Tobacco to purchase all of its tobacco leaf from local farmers for domestic production.

在一段时间内,政府将看到烟农能够从替代作物中获得类似的回报。The government is of the view that farmers could earn similar returns from alternative crops over a period of time.

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烟叶协商委员会是一个11人的顾问机构,包括国内烟农代表和独立的专家。The Council is an 11-member advisory body comprising domestic tobacco grower representatives and independent experts.

尽管马尼卡拉瓜的烟农几乎没有新铁丝来修补篱笆,但他们的日子要比很多城市居民过得滋润。Though they rarely have new wire to mend a fence, tobacco farmers in Manicaragua live better than many city dwellers.

但是,拍卖已经停止,因为贸易商不愿意支付烟农想要的最低每公斤100卢比的价格。But auctions had to be suspended there as the trade was not willing to pay the minimum of Rs 100 a kg sought by the farmers.

塔宝拉的主要经济来源是农业,有普通农民和小规模经营的烟农。Tabora and its people mainly rely on agricultural activities either as sustenance farmers or as small scale tobacco farmers.

她还进一步说,今年,马拉维国家银行将确保烟草销售款会毫无延误地储存到烟农们的帐户里。She further said this year NBM would make sure that tobacco sales were deposited in the farmers' accounts without any delays.

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但是以后的交易是可以忽略不计的,因为贸易商不愿意支付烟农想要的最低每公斤100卢比的价格。But since then the transactions are negligible as the trade is not willing to pay more than Rs 100 a kg sought by the farmers.

不过,马替比里博士说,他们预计烟农种植的烟草会更多,因为上个季节还剩有大量的烟种。Dr Matibiri said they were, however, expecting farmers to plant more since there was a lot of seed left over from last season.

这个系统不仅仅使交易透明,还使烟农能得到合理的价格。This system was aimed at not only brining about transparency in the transactions, but also ensuring a fair price for the farmer.