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我认为他是那一个下药我。I think he was the one drugging me.

我必须先解决她吃下药就吐出的病况。I must help her hold the medicine down.

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一旦她服下药后,她将永远不能瘦下去了。Once when she drinks it, she'll never be thin again.

一些年轻者耽溺于药物下药他们的生命的空虚。Some of the young were addicted to drugs drugs the emptiness of their lives.

喝下药之后他发现自己飘浮起来并飞向了月亮。After drinking it, she found herself floating and flew all the way to the moon.

喝下药之后他发现自己飘浮起来并飞向了月亮。After drinking it, she found herself floating and flew all they way to the moon.

慕瑶下药迷晕了黄司令的部下管副官,偷拍到容城江防计划。Mu Yao drugged halo fans yellow men tube commander adjutant, photographed Rongcheng Jiangfang plan.

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我永远不会知道自己有没有被下药,不过我确实没有任何被下药后应有的副作用。I'll never know if I was drugged or not but I didn't have any of the after-effects you would expect.

哈扎尔的议案是印度社会所需的一剂良药,但是下药时机是在久病之后。Mr. Hazare's bill is needed medicine, but it is being administered long after the sickness appeared.

只要用对了正确的舌下药物,疱疹就再也不会来打扰你了。With the right sublingual medicine for genital herpes, you can stop herpes outbreaks from recurring.

作为一种治疗生殖器疱疹的舌下药物,用了它不会出现副作用,也不会和其药物发生反应。As a sublingual medicine for genital herpes, Herpeset can be used without any side effects or drug interactions.

舌苔能很好的反映出体内病变的根源所在,可以指点辨证论治,准确下药…Tongue can well reflect the body of the root causes of disease can be pointing diagnosis and treatment, accurate prescription.

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通过在云环境下药代动力学的二房室静脉注射模型的计算实例验证该方法的可行性。Demonstrates the Performances of the proposed method by two-compartment intravenous injection model calculation example in pharmacokinetics.

这个感应器能吸起一小滴疑似下药的饮料,并将这一小滴饮料的成分拿来与两位两位教授研究出的专利化学配方联系比对。The device sucks up a tiny drop of the suspect beverage and puts it in contact with the patented chemical formula devised by Patolsky and Ioffe.

在此期间,他领导一个活动远远低于通常的名人恶习饮用水世俗的双重生活,下药或打情骂俏。During this time, he was leading a double life with activities far less mundane than the usual celebrity vices of drinking, drugging or philandering.

服舌下药时,应让病人将药放于舌头下待其完全溶化。提醒病人不能吞药。For sublingual-administered drugs, have client place medication under tongue and allow it to dissolve completely. Caution client against swallowing tablet.

小樱煮好的糖水却给人下药,小樱不知就里舀了糖水给蕊红和自己,常绿则躲在暗角留意她们的举动。Sakura cooked sugar water to remedy to the case, sakura puzzled out sugar water to core red and he himself, evergreen is hiding in dark corners on their behavior.

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在推进社会主义新农村建设时期找准影响农民收入的因素以便对证下药,更是一个重大而现实的问题。It is important to find the factors influencing the peasants' income so as to get the proper solution during the period of constructing a new socialist countryside.

研究了在轴向过载条件下药柱和绝热层接触面之间的应力应变分布随泊松比变化的关系。Under the axial overloading, the relation of the stress distributing between the column and thermal insulation layer with the change of Poisson's ratio is derived,.

在我和克里斯的注视下,凯特吃下药,然后由克里斯搀扶她离开椅子到床上,给她那瘦弱的身体裹好被子。Under the watchful eyes of Chirs and myself, Kate would take her pill, then carefully Chris would help her from the chair to the bed and tuck the covers in around her frail body.