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第三列是巨无霸购买力平价。The third column calculates Big Mac PPPs.

广州人的购买力更是让人惊叹。People in Guangzhou have huge purchasing power.

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低等级的城市有着更高的购买力。Lower-tiered cities have a higher purchasing power.

谁希望他们手中的美元失去购买力呢?Who wants to have their dollar lose their purchasing power?

但是这个尤其不合时宜的时期,它们对于购买力是个打击。But they’re a hit to purchasing power at an especially awkward time.

任何操纵货币购买力的方法都必然是武断的。Every method of manipulating purchasing power is by necessity arbitrary.

同时,人民币走强也增加了中国消费者的购买力。A stronger yuan will also boost purchasing power for the Chinese consumer.

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所有对中国游客的关注是由于他们的购买力增加。All the attention to Chinese tourists, is due to their increased purchasing power.

新的标准是根据经济学家所说的购买力平价而设定的。The new standardwas set according to what economists call purchasing power parity.

目前欧美经济增长迟滞,且深陷沉重债务压力,均试图通过出口带动经济,因此对中国消费者期望甚殷.而人民币逐步升值,可增强中国消费者的购买力。A gradually strengthening yuan increases the purchasing power of Chinese consumers.

英国媒体造了个词“北京镑”来指代中国人强大的购买力。British Media coined a new word—“ Peking Pound ” for Chinese huge purchasing power.

你的购买力就表明你拥有的资金去建立一个新的盘口。Your purchasing power represents funds available to you to establish new positions.

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美元也一样,市面上的美元越多,购买力就越低,所以山姆大叔在印钞票的时候市面上的汽油、食品和黄金都变贵了。Same goes for the US dollar. The more dollars there are, the less each one will buy.

一些老人小偷小摸,以增加他们微薄的购买力。Other elderly people resort to petty theft to increase their meager purchasing power.

其产生原因主要归咎为商品房房价的持续走高与大众的购买力之间的矛盾。It has caused mainly by the contradiction between the rising commercial housing price.

从相反方面看,加薪将增加中国消费者的购买力。On the flipside, rising wages will increase the purchasing power of Chinese consumers.

将中国价格除以美国价格得到1美元的购买力平价是3.65元。Diveding the local Chinese price by the American price gives a dollar PPP of 3.65 yuan.

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中国的崛起还意味着随着中国生活水平的提高,他们的购买力增强。It also means that as China’s standards of living rise, they have more purchasing power.

这两种货币在新兴市场的货币中表现非常出色,高于其巨无霸购买力平价。These two stand out as emerging-market currencies that trade well above their Big Mac PPPs.

尽管工资越来越高和油价越来越便宜,但是没有多少现象显示消费者会在10月加大购买力。Despite more pay and cheaper petrol, there are few signs that consumers splurged in October.