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判断树优劣,看果不看叶。Judge a tree by its fruit, not by its leaves.

房地产作为一种高消费商品,购买者往往需要从多方面了解相关信息,而房地产网站成为了一个重要的渠道,房地产网站的优劣几乎可以决定房产交易的成败。Real estate is a valuable and often expensive purchase.

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部分原因出在社会关系的品质优劣上。In part, because of the quality of social relationships.

人们常以学生的考试分数来评判教师的优劣。Teachers tend to be judged by their students' exam grades.

需要对你的资产的多样性优劣作一个评估吗?Need an assessment of how well your assets are diversified?

在这里主要的优劣在于富于表现力和简单性的比较。The main trade-off here is in expressiveness vs. simplicity.

其性能的优劣,直接关系到预冷的效果。Its performance has a directly effect on pre-cooling results.

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红木家具还可以从油漆上鉴别优劣。Annatto furniture still can differentiate actor bad from paint.

目的评价滴用阿托品建立兔干眼模型的优劣。ObjectiveTo evaluate the characteristic of rabbit dry eye model.

旅游企业服务质量的优劣,最终的评判者是顾客。The final judges of the tourism service quality are the customers.

从一个部族如何对待他们的苦工可以衡量这个部族的优劣。The merit of a clan can be measured by how they treat their Peons.

锭子质量的优劣反映了棉纺设备发展水平的高低。Quality of spindle reflects level of textile machines' development.

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购买运动鞋时应先鉴定鞋子的优劣。To buy sports shoes should first identify the quality of the shoes.

你需要去了解它们之间的联系和优劣势。You need to understand the connections and trade-offs between them.

给出了一简便的评估欺骗方案优劣的数学方法。Furthermore, we put forward t mats method in fucked project evaluate.

承载体是落下孔车中的主要承载件,其设计的优劣将直接影响落下孔车的性能。The bodywork structure is the main load-bearing body in the well car.

出生后一个月后,便可以判断出尾部的形态优劣。After one month since borning they can be different in the tail shape.

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森林调蓄功能的优劣对于福建山地的防洪减灾具有重要意义。So there was significance for study on regulation function of forests.

所有这些方法都在金银投资者论坛上争辩过优劣。All these options are debated in online gold and silver investor forums.

天然石材的优劣取决于荒料的品质和加工工艺。Blocks of natural stone hinges on the quality and processing technology.