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她对法西斯主义怀有深仇大恨。She has a profound hatred of fascism.

深仇大恨,没法调和。Great hatred does not lend itself to reconciliation.

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她私下曾对曾对此种深仇大恨表示震惊。Privately she admitted she was shocked by the hatred.

他对沐浴有着深仇大恨,并且既不剃须也不理发。Pyke also hated bathing, rarely shaved, and avoided cutting his hair.

同时,口无遮拦,和皇后结下了深仇大恨。At the same time, outspoken, and queen of the bear a deep grudge against sb.

况且如果我们跟他们没有什么深仇大恨,他们也不太可能想置我们于死地。Moreover if we and they have no hatred, they are unlikely to want to kill us.

正是这种深仇大恨使他们干出了这样丧心病狂的破坏。And the depth of their hatred is equaled by the madness of the destruction they design.

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在如此深仇大恨面前佳恩是一步步从一位百合般纯洁的女人变成了带刺的玫瑰。Good in front of such a vendetta is step by step from a lily as pure woman rose became a thorn.

们没有从具体的实例得知国际体育比赛导致了深仇大恨。One didn't know from concrete examples that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred.

对于一个年过八十,在议会委员会上提供证词时还有着满腹怨言的老人,我没有什么深仇大恨。I don't have a vendetta against anyone over 80 who likes to begrudgingly give evidence to parliamentary committees.

老夫妻想了想,虽然离了婚,两人又没什麽深仇大恨,吃顿饭总可以吧!The old husbands and wives think, although divorces, two people do not have any bitter hatred, eats a food always to be allowed!

大家往往认为拒绝只针对自己,觉得招生办公室和你有深仇大恨,拒绝你的申请。It's very easy to take a rejection personally and to imagine that the admissions office had some vendetta against you and your application.

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朱巴拉特本人很快就要到达大马士革,与此同时,另一位带着个人深仇大恨的黎巴嫩总理,接替已故父亲哈里里职位的阿萨德哈里里也要到来。Mr Jumblatt himself is expected in Damascus soon, as is another Lebanese leader with a personal animus, Saad Hariri, now filling his slain father's shoes as Lebanon's prime minister.

高瞻远瞩的领袖是有可能赢得民心,从而说服他们把过去遗留下来的深仇大恨给抛开,并接受要把未来变得更加美好的承诺。It is possible for visionary leaders to win the hearts and minds of their peoples to persuade them to discard the bitter legacy of the past and to embrace the promise of a better future.