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眉心带领着变化,使整个形状开始放松。The inner brows lead the change, softening the shapes.

在瑜伽系统中,这里被称为眉心轮。It is known as the Aajna Chakra in the language of Yoga.

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血刀指着他的眉心,我愤怒的眸直指他的眼。Marshal pointing to his brow, I am angry eyes at his eyes.

球下移到你第三只眼---眉心轮。The ball of light energy moves down into your third eye chakra.

他跳下摩托车,用一把手枪对准了我的眉心。He jumped off the motorcycle and aimed a pistol between my eyes.

又有些心疼地伸手去抚他的眉心。Again some between the eyebrowses that extend hand to fondle him.

有东西指住眉心的时候。为什么会晕眩。When the thing points to between the eyebrows . Why to meet dizzy.

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她个子小小的,皮肤黑黑的,眉心处有一个小点。She was small and dark and her eyebrows came to a little point in the middle.

“她个子小,皮肤黑,”他说,“她的眉心处有一个小点儿。”"She's small and dark, " he said, " and her eyebrows come to a little point in the middle. "

她的拉长地嗓音可以触及世界眉心间的广阔区域。She has an amazing outstretching voice that reaches far into the vast expanses of the world's middle- brow.

欲相从,难渡世间河,无奈地从你的面前走过,寂寞如影入眉心。For phase from, difficult river crossing the world, but to walk from your front, lonely as a shadow into the eyebrows.

痛苦纠聚心中,眉心发烫发热,胸部郁闷难展,胃里一股气冲喉而出。Her heart full of pain, between eyebrows burning, chest stifled, a stream of gas surged from her stomach out of her throat.

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1849年,就在爬行动物馆开放的几小时内,一位动物管理员即被一条跳出来的眼镜蛇咬中眉心并当场死亡。Within hours of the Reptile House opening in 1849, a keeper was killed when a cobra jumped up and bit him between the eyes.

额角对准了角斗士的眉心,一甩头,两颗头颅重重的撞到了一起。The sum Cape aimed at the Cape Dou private's between the eyebrows, on jilting a head, two skulls heavily crash into together.

一顶皮檐便帽压齐眉心,把他那被太阳晒黑、淌着大汗的脸遮去了一部分。CAP with a drooping leather visor partly concealed his face, burned and tanned by sun and wind, and dripping with perspiration.

想你,眉心紧紧一皱,才知道我用思念剪断了这个时光,陷入了一种屹立的悲凉.Missing you, I frown tightly, only to realize I am cutting away my present time with missing, sinking into a miserable scene of singly standing.

结论小儿小容量洗胃时宜采用“眉心—脐部”体表标志测量法留置鼻胃管。Conclusion It's suggest to adapt " eyebrow center to omphalos " body symbol method for measuring remain length of nose and gastric tube for children patients.

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轻喃了这么一句,又吻了吻她的眉心,他跟着躺了下来,将她搂在胸前闭上眼睡觉。Light Nan such a, and then kissed to kiss her among the eyebrows, he followed to prevaricate down and embraced her to shut the worthy of a look sleeping before chest.

而眉宇最高处与眉心处距离缩短,同时颧骨不再那麽突出,鼻骨开口处向后萎缩。The distance between the most prominent part of the brow to the top of the nose decreased, while the cheekbones stuck out less and the opening of the nose bones receded.

又似是陈词旧韵下一叶横眉的某个瞬间,只一刹那,眉心横渡秋水,光阴带着棱角而来,将浅浅的忧伤切入灵魂,时光便在此停止了。Also like the old rhyme is testimony under a strong a moment, just a moment, the eyebrows crossed eyes, time with edges and corners to cut, will be endless sorrow soul, time stops here.