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那名科学家叛逃到另一国家了。The scientist defected to another country.

两年以后,伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃了。Two years later, burgess and maclean defected.

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他从某国叛逃到了西方。He defected from a certain country to the West.

前政治家黄长烨于1997年叛逃到韩国。The former politician defected to South Korea in 1997

年夏天,巴里什尼科夫在多伦多叛逃。In the summer of 1974, Mikhail Baryshnikov defected in Toronto.

叛逃的人起先屈指可数,后来越来越多,汇成了一股源源不断的人流。From a handful, the number of desertions grew to a steady stream.

1983年时,一名朝鲜飞行员驾驶他的米格-19战斗机叛逃到了韩国。A North Korean pilot flew his MiG-19 to defect to South Korea in 1983.

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当你远离叛逃师以后,叛逃窗口将会关闭。The Repledge window will now close if you move away from the Runemaster.

其他人则说他们的家人没有理由叛逃韩国。Others said their family members have no reason to defect to South Korea.

利亚林叛逃成功使军情5局得到了一个难得的机会。The successful defection of Lyalin presented MI5 with a unique opportunity.

卡扎菲政府的一名官员则表示,并没有迹象显示加尼姆已叛逃。A government official in Tripoli said there was no sign Ghanem had defected.

据韩联社报道,自从南北冲突在1953年结束以后,12000名以上的朝鲜人,大部分是平民,叛逃到了韩国。North Koreans, mostly civilians, have defected to the South, Yonhap reported.

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自从1997年叛逃以来,黄长烨只获准出国旅行一次。Since his 1997 defection, Hwang has only been allowed to travel overseas once.

阿萨德中校夸口有近15000人从军队叛逃,但是真实的叛逃人员数量可能要少得多。Colonel Asaad has boasted of some 15,000 from an army that numbers around 220,000.

麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。It was he who first fingered Philby in the USA after defection of Burgess and Maclean.

正是他在伯吉斯和麦克莱恩叛逃之后,首先在美国指出了菲尔比。It was he who first fingered philby in the usa after defection of burgess and maclean.

阿诺计划用一名假装叛逃的遇战疯人击败绝地,但最终还是没有成功。Anor hatched a scheme to use a defector to defeat the Jedi, but this eventually failed.

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最近的这起叛逃事件是卡扎菲政权已经变得多么虚弱的又一例证。And this latest defection is another example of how weak they have gotten, " said Panetta.

一位消息人士也告诉BBC说,宪兵负责人爱德华Kassarate,叛逃。A source also told the BBC that the head of the gendarmerie, Edouard Kassarate, had defected.

韩联社说,飞行员看上去打算叛逃到俄国,但是随后失去了方向,并且坠毁在中国。Yonhap said the pilot appeared to be defecting to Russia but lost course and crashed in China.