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我们把他待为上宾。We treat him as a distinguished guest.

在中国通常哪个座位是上宾座位呢?Which seat is usually the honored seat?

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主人把他视为上宾。The master treated him as a distinguished guest.

他受到了热烈欢迎,被待为上宾。He received a warm welcome and was above the salt.

我在此骄傲的宣布,这款优雅而精致的“草德基”鸡腿将成为我家庭野餐的上宾。It's refined, elegant and I'd proudly serve it at a family picnic.

刻度盘只能涂上宾利原来外部的颜色。The dials can be painted only in the original exterior colors Bentley.

我们被副市长奉为上宾,下榻高档酒店,太爽了。We were guests of honor of the vice mayor. We were put in a nice hotel.

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法国从桌上上宾到捉襟见肘是战后一个历史性的转变。The relegation of France from top table to scullery would be an historic post-war shift.

鲁君以上宾的待遇养鸟,结果把鸟儿给弄死了。The duke treated the bird as a distinguished guest. In consequence, he tortured the bird to death.

奥尔德里奇还组建了他自己的小圈子,坐上宾都是有影响力的人物,包括沃伯格和万德利普。Meanwhile, Aldrich gathered around him inner circles of influential advisers, who included Warburg and Vanderlip.

刚才我已派出快马去通知江西、湖南、湖北各处分局,对这四位青城派的上宾,可得好好接待。I've just sent messengers to our branches in Jiangxi, Hunan and Hubei, informing them of the news and told them to treat these four as our noble guests.