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我船现在可以起锚吗?Can I heave up now?

起锚了,男孩。Weigh anchor, Boys.

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那船一早就起锚走了。The ship weighed early.

你船必须起锚。You must heave up anchor.

我们现在起锚吗?Shall we weigh anchor now?

看,那船即将起锚。Look! The ship is breaking out.

我们正在安装起锚设备。We are installing anchor handling machinery.

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他们准备明天早晨起锚。They are going to up-anchor tomorrow morning.

清晨我们起锚继续航行。In the morning we weighed anchor and sailed on.

又到了中国农历年的尾声,又到了新的征程即将起锚之时。A new year of the traditional Chinese calendar is coming.

将抛锚短索、卸扣浮标吊给起锚船。Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel.

1910年6月3日,他在奥斯陆起锚,怀揣击败斯科特的愿望。He left Oslo in June 3, 1910 with the intent of beating Scott to his goal.

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嗣后不久,哈伍德海军上将获悉“施佩”号在起锚了。Shortly afterwards admiral harwood learnt that the ship was weighing anchor.

太仓自元代海运漕粮而兴起,郑和七下洋以太仓为起锚地和归舶港。Taicang rose from the marine transportation of the Tax grain in Yuan Dynasty.

待到朝霞映红了海面,看我们的战舰又要起锚。Until the time of shiny red glow of the sea, Look at our ships have to anchor.

往基地发送信号,起锚了,失重了,也不用计算时间。Sending signals back to base, unmoored and weightless and no longer marking time.

起锚时锚机总是“吱吱”作响,你们最好对它检查一下。The windlass squeaks when the anchor is hoisted. You had better to have it checked.

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船正在起锚开动,以免落潮使它搁浅。The ship was weighting anchor to get away before the falling tide left her stranded.

杨恩德里升起锚,从舱顶拖下一根长杆然后起航了。Yandry pulled up the anchor, slid one of the long poles off the cabin roof, and pushed them off.

相反,他曾经告诉航行杂志,他可能会从加利福尼亚的沼泽地起锚。Instead, he once told Sailing magazine, he might weigh anchor from the marshlands of South Carolina