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外科医生救了这条重达60磅的爬虫。Surgery saved the 60-pound reptile.

鸟类、爬虫及昆虫是卵生的。Birds, reptiles and insects come from eggs.

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蛇,龟和鳄鱼都是爬虫。Snakes turtles and crocodiles are reptiles.

只有小爬虫不必担心摔倒。Only a worm is free from the worry of stumbling.

长长的草像蠕动的爬虫使他们腿发痒。Long grass tickled their legs like creepy crawlies.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade youself into an abject reptile.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫。Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile.

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有多少只爬虫生活在戴西和杰克的花园里呢?。How many creepy-crawlies live in Daisy and Jack's garden?

很多人认为今天地球上还有爬虫军。Many humans think that there are Reptilians upon Earth today.

本文的核心工作就是对主题相关的网络爬虫进行研究。The core work in this paper is studying domain-based Crawler.

在自然界中,一些鱼类、蜥蜴还有爬虫等,它们的身体部位都能再生。In nature, some fish, lizards and worms can re-grow body parts.

班克斯湖也是极多类爬虫动物及鸟的家园。Banks Lake is also home to a wide variety of reptiles and birds.

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他热心地提供了该站点上每个爬虫页面的结果。He kindly provided a tarball of every spidered page on the site.

起来,可别把你自己贬成一个下贱的爬虫——可别!Rise, and don't degrade yourself into an abject reptile--don't!'

昏昏欲睡的爬虫一步一步爬进我赌袖子里睡觉。Step by step the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.

昏昏欲睡的爬虫一步一步爬进我的袖子里睡觉.Step by step, the sleepy creeper crawled into my sleeve to sleep.

与196卝4年美国情报对灰人和爬虫族外星人的评估相一致Congruent with 1964 U.S. Intelligence estimate on greys and Reptilians

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把碗放到你常常看见讨厌小爬虫的地方。Place the bowl where you often see your much despised creepy-crawlies.

把碗放到你频频看见厌恶小爬虫的位置。看看方法。Place the bowl where you often see your much despised creepy-crawlies.

他们全是孢子爬虫,将你从天空。They're full of Spore Crawlers that will shoot your guys from the sky.