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她在喘气,他们冷静下来。She gasps as they calm down.

好,不要喘气。That should not take a breath.

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她回到自己的桌旁并且在喘气。She turns back to her desk and gasps.

嗨,乔希。你为什么一直在喘气呀?Hi, Josh. Why are you puffing and panting?

跑不动时,他们停下来喘气。When they'd run out of breath, they stopped.

因为天热这只狗不停地喘气。The dog was panting because of the hot weather.

乔用呼哧呼哧的喘气声来回答这个问题。John answered with the loudness of his breathing.

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我们可以恫吓,喘气摘要船穿越。We can huff, puff and blow the paper boats across.

两三个却休息在灯的纸罩上喘气。On the paper shade two or three others rest, panting.

来自一个路灯的微弱闪光引起我的注意,而且我喘气。A gleam from a streetlight caught my eyes, and I gasped.

两三个却休息在灯的纸罩上喘气。Two or three of them still rested on the cover of the lamp.

当自己走到一半地时分,死后传来啦一阵喘气声…When I went to half time, behind came a burst of breathing.

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那天中午,天气热得连树上的叶子也在喘气。It was so hot a noon that the leaves had to gasp for breath.

他站在蛇树的头部的袭击范围外直喘气。He stands there panting, just out of range of the hydra heads.

华大妈候他喘气平静,才轻轻的给他盖上了满幅补钉的夹被。His mother gently covered him with a patched sheet afterwards.

筋疲力尽的赛跑运动员在冲向终点线时直喘气。The exhausted runner gasped when he dashed to the finishing line.

自从这个新项目上马,我就忙得连口喘气机会都没有。Every since this new project started, I've been working my tail off.

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所有从噩梦中醒来的人都会坐直,大口喘气。Any person waking from a nightmare will sit bolt upright and pant.

喘气的职员们闷热的胸中填满了足够的痛苦.The puffy staff’s stuffy chests are stuffed with sufficient suffering.

他喘气,然后尝试转在他上的对于男人的他头倾斜。He gasped, then tried to turn his head toward the man leaning over him.