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记者未能联系到中国作协置评。The Chinese Writers Association couldn't be reached for comment.

网络作家对申请入作协反响冷漠,为何?Network writer is made to applying for assist resonant inhospitality , why?

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中国诗歌学会、广西作协会员。He is member of Chinese Poetry Society, Guangxi Provincial Writers' Association.

23岁时,他成为中国作协最年轻的会员,这一时成为了新闻。At just 23, he made news as the youngest-ever member of China’s Writers Association.

刘诚,原名刘树之,律师,中国作协会员。Liu Cheng, originally Liu Shuzhi, a lawyer and a member of Chinese Writers Association.

接待来自全国各地的作协领导及作家220余人。Chongqing Performance Co. , Ltd. received over 220 writers and leaders of the Association.

1985年省作协举办了首届赵树理文学评论奖,但此后19年这个奖中断了。The Zhao Shuli Literature Award has hibernated for 19 years since 1985 when the first prize was awarded.

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中教语文高级教师,中国语文学习科学委员会理事,市作协会员。Senior teacher of Chinese, board member of Chinese Learning Science Council, member of Writers' Association of the City.

本试剂与多种其他细菌及多株淋球菌作协同凝集试验,证明具有高度的特异性和敏感性。Ten coagglutination of the reagent with various strains of gonococcus and other bacteria showed specificity and sensitivity.

仔细一想,这句话何止对作协,就是对其他部门行业也都有启示意义。Think carefully, this word far more than is opposite assist, also have revelatory sense to other department industry namely.

现为中国作家协会全委委员、河北省作协诗歌艺术委员会主任。He is one of the committee members of China Writers' Association, director of Poetry Art Committee of Hebei Writers' Association.

贾文成,生于1968年6月,中国作家协会会员,呼和浩特铁路局作协主席,职业警察。Guwen Cheng, born in June 1968, the Chinese Writers Association, the Hohhot Railway Bureau Writers Association President, professional police.

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据北京作协副主席李青介绍,史铁生因病每周都做透析,已经做了十年透析了。According to Li Qing, Vice President of Beijing Writers Association, Shi had to receive dialysis every week for ten years due to kidney illness.

以开始时的子宫内膜厚度作协变量,对子宫内膜厚度数据进行协变量分析。Statistical analysis of endometrial thickness data was performed by analysis of covariance method, with baseline endometrial thickness as the covariate.

我国的文学期刊大都是隶属于作协的体制内刊物,在意识形态的制约下偏重于纯文学的探索。Chinese literary periodicals were mostly attached to the Writers Association, under the constraints of ideology highlighting on the purely literary exploration.

以对社会主义文学事业高度负责的精神,认真做好召开中国作协第六次全国代表大会的各项筹备工作。With a spirit of the lofty responsibility of socialist literary work, earnestly work on all planning projects for the sixth congress of the China Writers' Association.

记得前些年访问挪威时,中国作协请我写一幅字赠送给挪威作家协会。Remembered I visited Norway some years ago, the author’s association of China asked me to write a sheet of calligraphy as a gift to present to the author’s association of Norway.

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现任中国作协名誉副主席,中国文联名誉委员,中国诗歌学会会长等职。He is now an honorary vice president of Chinese Writers' Association, an honorary member of the United Committee of Literary Federation and president of Chinese Poetry Association, etc.

尤其是网络文学的出现,的确瓜分和稀释了作协的权力,而且成就了不少年轻的作家,辟出了另一条文学新路。Especially the occurrence of network literature, be divided up really and attenuant make assist influence, and accomplished many young writers, monarch gave another article to learn new way.

改革开放30年来,北京作协大胆改革专业作家体制,在全国率先打破作家终身制,并形成了相对稳定的四种合同制作家模式。The Beijing Writers Association boldly reformed the system of professional writers and formed four relatively stable patterns of contract writers during the past 30 years of reform and opening up.