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新疆地处亚欧大陆腹地,是典型的半干旱、干旱气候。Xinjiang lies in Eurasia inland, has typical half-arid, arid climate.

位于东面的是一块面积、外形近似于亚欧大陆的陆地。Located in the east, appearance is an area of approximate to Eurasia land.

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他们真的只是靠驼队和双脚穿越的亚欧大陆吗?Did they travel across the Asia-Euro Land merely by camel caravans and on foot?

只有开放兼容,国家才能富强,亚欧大陆才能兴旺。Only by being open and inclusive can a country prosper and can our continent prosper.

新疆位于中国西北部,地处亚欧大陆中心。Xinjiang is situated in the northwest of China and in the center of Eurasian continents.

丝绸商队来返于亚欧大陆,带给这个城市巨大的贸易收入。Silk Road Caravan stop encourages and accomodates the merchants trading on the lucrative silk route.

也许任何探险都需要有一个浪漫的理由,我的亚欧大陆之旅也一样。As any good adventure must have, there is, I suppose, a romantic reason for disappearing into Eurasia as well.

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冰岛位于大西洋中部的脊上,是亚欧大陆和北美板块的交界活动处。Iceland lies on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, the volatile meeting of the Eurasian and North American continental plates

自伊拉克战争以来,亚欧大陆上的多个主要力量中心进行了战略协调。Since the outbreak of the Iraqi War, many main force centers on the Asian-European continent have made strategic coordination.

这不仅与亚欧大陆的冰川的整体情况完全相反,与喀喇昆仑冰川曾经的趋势也是相悖的。Not only is this opposite to the broader picture for Eurasian glaciers, but also to what had been happening to Karakoram glaciers.

我这次欧洲之行,就是希望同欧洲朋友一道,在亚欧大陆架起一座友谊和合作之桥。I have come to Europe to build, together with our European friends, a bridge of friendship and cooperation across the Eurasian continent.

任一种苹果属的落叶树木,原产于北美洲和亚欧大陆,开有白色、粉红色的或红色花簇。Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Malus, native to North America and Eurasia and having clusters of white, pink, or reddish flowers.

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苏联地域广阔,人口稀少,横跨亚欧大陆,面临着尴尬的地理政治局面。The Soviet Union was geographically vast but sparsely populated. Sprawling across Asia and Europe, it faced double-edged geopolitical situation.

中国将构建横跨亚欧大陆的丝绸之路经济带,同时构建从太平洋到印度洋的海上丝绸之路。China plans to develop a Silk Road economic belt that spans the Eurasia continent and a maritime Silk Road that links the Pacific with the Indian Ocean.

在经济全球化和地区一体化浪潮的推动下,亚欧大陆上形成一体化的铁路运输网已成大势所趋。With the economic globalization and regional integration, it is an inevitable trend to form integrated railway transport network on the Eurasian continent.

香港位处北半球亚热带,背靠亚欧大陆、面向太平洋,形成海洋性亚热带季风气候,四季分明。Hong Kong situated in the northern hemisphere subtropical, backed by Eurasia, the Pacific Ocean, forming subtropical monsoon climate, and four distinct seasons.

民族大迁移是亚欧大陆南部农业地带与北部游牧地带国家和民族交往的一种表现形式。The great national migration is the agricultural area in southern Asia and Europe and the northern nomadic area country and the nation as a form of communication.

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冷战结束以来,亚欧大陆腹地内在联系逐渐增多,一个可称为大中东的地区渐具雏形。After the end of the Cold War, so-called Great Middle East is shaping up with the increase of international relations in hinterland of the Asia-Europe conventional.

亚欧大陆腹地历来是东西方之间的陆上通道,也曾是世界经济版图中最活跃、最发达的地区之一,孕育了多元灿烂的文明。The Eurasian hinterland has always been the land passage linking the east with the west and was once one of the most vigorous regions in the world economic landscape.

俄罗斯驯鹿饲养业广泛分布于亚欧大陆的寒带、亚寒带地区,有20多个民族从事驯鹿饲养业。Russian reindeer husbandry was distributed widely in the Asian and European Frigid Zone and sub-frigid zone, there are more than 20 nations engaging in reindeer husbandry.